Tuesday, May 31, 1994

Telephone Calls...


Well you are certainly mastering the art of the cryptic phone message! Now that my curiosity is perked to a fever pitch... what did your parents have to say? You indicated in your message that your father called you last night and your mother called this morning. And..... er... I'm just a wee bit curious... what did they say?

I spoke with Ember Mitchell, she's in my COBOL class this quarter and her husband, Eric (also a close friend), is in my LAW class, and she indicated that perhaps you got me to help my parents with their odd chores in order to win their favor. She indicated, having had experience in that area, that most likely those were your designs. How VERY interesting! Well, I'm sure it worked... my Mom ADORES you methinks, and my Dad thinks you're very sweet. I think they still consider me to be pond scum... but at least they like YOU! *grin*

Thank you so much for coming down to my parent's house with me... it certainly meant a lot. You mentioned last night that you have never gotten so close with anyone as to discuss things we talked about. Rest assured, neither have I. As a matter of fact, this Friday will be a milestone in that I have NEVER taken a girlfriend to my parent's house more than ONCE!

By the way, you will LOVE my Dad's mashed-potatoes... actually, if you don't he'll be rather disappointed. We all have our little areas of pride and that is one of his. If you hate them, please just smile politely and say “these are soooooo wonderful... may I please have the recipe so that I can have it bronzed?” *laugh* Yup, that'll win ya some points!

Interesting note: spoke with Cheree this afternoon and asked her when she and Eric were getting married. She panicked. I asked why. She wanted to know if we were engaged. I told her no, that I was just going to tell her that I'd send her and Eric a gift but probably would not be able to attend their wedding. Not a problem. She said that she was worried I was going to tell her we were engaged because, as she put it, “You two are joined at the hip.”

Never in my life has ANYONE said that to me... it was interesting.

That aside, what did your parents say? I'm very curious... and I don't know if I can wait until 8:00 tonight to find out. Is it good or bad? Perhaps I'll just be paranoid until I hear from you. Yes, yes, I'm quite certain that is what I will do.

I suppose it's time now to do some homework. Dr. Addams, my Business Communications instructor gave me a 90/100 on my report (weenie!) and said that he will review my oral presentation to see if my grade should be raised. I REALLY am beginning to dislike this man! He's just such a TOUGH grader! This will doubtlessly be my WORST QUARTER IN HISTORY in regards to grades... but my BEST QUARTER IN HISTORY due to certain externalities... mostly you. Well, no, pretty much ALL you! *wink*

Have a great afternoon and I'll look forward to seeing you tonight. You don't have to tell me everything now... just enough to dispell my fears. I love you and I'm very grateful to have such a wonderful girlfriend.

Love always,

- Robert. =)

Monday, May 30, 1994

1... 2... 3... testing...


Just testing an alias I made for you on the UNIX system. I was on, checking my mail, and thought I'd do it real quick. I'll be picking you up in an hour, so I'll have to make this message short... have to take a quick shower, head to Smith's to drop off the movie and stuff and then I get to see you again!

This past week has been heaven. I'm so thankful for the time we've had together... even if it DOES make me want to spend more time with you. I'm ALREADY looking forward to seeing you in July! *grin

Well, time to go... but please remember that I think the world of you and that you are constantly in my thoughts.


Robert. =)

PS Sorry that the message is so short... but I'll write again later so that you'll have a longer message to peruse.

Friday, May 27, 1994



Well, just wanted to write a quick note before heading off to work today. Please ignore the comments by Jenn... I'm not thinking the way she is. I'm not concerned if you're THE ONE... I'm concerned that you're my friend and that I love you.

As to the desk: I get the distinct impression that you are perhaps embarrassed of me? Perhaps that is why you are very distant at the desk and are nervous about holding my hand anytime your friends are around. You will note, however, that I am not that way. The other night I held your hand when Jenn and company were there and was very attentive to you. Additionally, I've invited you to come down to my parent's on Sunday. I think that I have adequately shown my devotion to you, I just don't know where YOU stand.

My feelings for you have not changed... but I often wonder if your feelings for me have. Please remember that I'm 26 and single... which would seem to indicate that I've kept myself unfettered by emotional ties. I'm the type who needs constant reassurance or I get concerned and then start protecting myself against what might be coming.

However, since no lights have gone out... the usual indication that the grand breakup is coming... a warning to me to protect myself... one usually heeded... except of course in April during which I crashed and burned... I think things are still okay. Hmmm... rather long sentence, that one.

That said, I'll talk with you more tonight. I do want you to know that you are constantly in my thoughts and that I think the world of you. I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight, though admittedly I'm a little anxious because we'll be with Sally and I wonder if, once again, I'll be relegated to the status of acquaintance/casual friend.


- Robert. =)

Thursday, May 26, 1994

RE: what about?


Well, we didn't talk for too long... but she did indicate that she and Eric thought that you were very cute and that you and I made a cute couple. I did tell her that I told you that I loved you (it's a milestone event in my life... she's never known me to say that to anyone) and that now I'm really panicked about it.

It's NOT that I don't feel that way about you... I most certainly do... it's just that I've opened myself up. I thought it all through before I confessed my feelings for you. Nevertheless, I am still worried about the eventualities of it all. However, I'm NOT going to keep my feelings bottled up inside, I'm crazy about you and you'll just have to deal with that. *wink*

I'll talk with you tonight about the timing of the trip to Riverton... I'm very glad that you're willing to go. You're the coolest!

Sorry to hear that Sally's soccer isn't going well, she's a great friend and I hope things start going better for her. What, exactly, is she having difficulty with?
I didn't talk with Eric, and Jenn was mostly obsessed with her root-canal saga (she had to go back again today because it was infected). I only told her about telling you my feelings. She thinks it's really serious. I told her that, as my friend, it was requisitte that she be cynical. She said some rather disturbing things like "I think she's the one" and silly stuff like that. Therefore, I corrected her quickly and told her that she had to say stuff like "Now just relzx and don't get your hopes up."

She's kinda weird, huh? Anyway, she raved about talking about the impending marriage to Eric in front of Eric and his approval and agreement of what she was saying. Hmmm... rather verbose sentence. Anyway, she is all awash with mush-gagginess and it's all rather sickening.

I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight on desk... and particularly to this weekend.


- Robert. =)

Hi Cutie!


Just a quick note to say "hi." I just BARELY woke up! *sleepy grin*
Well, I got graded on my oral presentation today and only got 54.5 out of 60 points. Not too bad except that other people in the class got higher scores and didn't do as well in their presentations methinks. So I'm going to talk with the instructor on Tuesday to beg for a higher score. Yuck.

I would like for you to come down to Riverton on Sunday with me if you could come, would like to come, and wouldn't be too put off in meeting my family. It's nothing serious... though they may read more into it because, well, they're family... you know how that goes! *wink* Anyway, I thought I'd ask you because I want to see as much of you as I can before I leave for the summer. If you don't want to go, or cannot go, I'll understand completely, like I said - it's no biggie, I just love spending time with you.

Thanks again for going to dinner last night... I realize it's awkward when you don't really know anyone there. You did know Jenn a little... and she was MUCH more talkative last night than she was the night we went out for coffee! She and Eric really like you and they said we make a cute couple.

Yes, Jenn did quiz me today. That's not surprising.

I spoke with Mike Nollar and he said that I have to talk to Nancy, his girlfriend, to make sure we're on for Friday and Saturday. If not, then I'll have a backup plan... I'm NOT going to pass up on a chance to spend time with you. *smile*
Have a great day and I'll stop by tonight around 9:00 or 9:30.


- Robert. =)

Monday, May 23, 1994



Thanks for replying. Yeh, I suppose that there was a reason. I'm very nervous when we first get together and then I relax after a bit. I've been friends with people whose feelings change with their moods and so I'm a bit concerned that you might be the same way. I know how I feel about you... but am still uncertain if you're going to be dumping me soon.

I'll probably dump you first... but I won't do it until the fall... after we've dated some more and you play silly games and then I get tired of them and tell you taht "we should date other people."

Actually, recently I'm far more consistent than that. I take a LOT longer to decide if I like someone and then once I do, I don't change my mind. I don't quit seeing people unless something happens that makes me not trust them or I see their DARK SIDE and determine that I can't live with it.

Anything you want to know, at this point, I'll tell you. I guess I'm just concerned sometimes that you have all this boundless energy and that you might think I'm stuffy or something. This is generally not a concern except when I'm stressed over school and at that point I'm more reserved than normal.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night for dinner and chatting with you some more. Like I mentioned before, anytime you'd like to call I'd LOVE to hear from you... ooopsss! I said that WORD! Ugh. Oh wait! It's not so bad... I re-read the sentence and it's okay. *grin*

Well, rest assured taht I think the world of you and am very happy that you're my friend. My... er... girlfriend. *sheepish grin* Yeh, yesterday after you left I had a PANIC ATTACK! Even though we're only going together (we are going together aren't we? I'd hate to have to recall all those announcements! *laugh*) it's still quite an adjustment as I'm sure it is for you, unless you're going to be like Tam (to whom I ALMOST proposed) who said "Oh, I NEVER considered us going together!" I just simply couldn't take THAT again! *wince*

I'm rambling.

I've stopped.

Jenn said 7:00pm on Wednesday... possibly 7:30pm for dinner. We'll plan on 7:00 for now... so I'll pick you up at the front desk and we'll go to Berconis for Italian food and you'll get to meet Eric... Jenn's semi-fiance. Yeh, they're planning on February 14th... BOY it's getting harder and harder to convince her that it's NOT going to happen!


- Robert. =)

Friday, May 20, 1994

Hi Cutie!


It's me again. Did you miss me? *wink* Actually, this second connection is just as noisy as the first... but I'll just tough it out. The problem is that if there is line noise then it messes up your words and you have to keep hitting the backspace key to correct them. Very frustrating. But far be it for WSU to get QUALITY equipment in their lab! *groan*

Anyway, it was great talking with you tonight. I had to laugh when you said "see, I told you there was no privacy at the desk!" I thought the TWO PEOPLE STANDING THERE might take offense at that... however, much to my surprise, they not only took no offense, they didn't get the HINT! It was rather blatant, I thought, but then people can be rather obtuse at times.

As to vocabulary: worry not. I sometimes write rather oddly, at other times mi speling is not grate. Sometimes words me puts wrong in place and grammar my is not always good. *laugh*

I have a dictionary here by my computer. The reason: I often want to use words but am unsure if they are the correct ones. Therefore, I keep a dictionary close by in order to check them to insure accuracy. Over the summer I work on a computer that has a built-in dictionary, so it makes it MUCH easier to write.

Hmmm... the computer just logged me out of my email message... it's REALLY bad this evening... worse than usual. When you dial up to the computer from a remote phone you sometimes encounter problems. Tonight it seems especially bad.

Anyway, I digress. Sometimes it's nice to just et a quick note from someone, but I do agree that it's far better to get a "real" letter from them. Sometimes, you'll find, I tend to ramble... just ignore it.

Well, I have to get to bed soon... I have a full day of work tomorrow in Salt Lake. I'll see you Sunday at 5:00 and we'll head up to our favorite spot for dinner. If you'd like, I can call my BEST FRIENDS in the whole world: Mike Nollar and his girlfriend Nancy and we could go hiking with them next Saturday to waterfall canyon. Let me know if this appeals to you. Otherwise we'll try something else.

I like having you come over here... but I don't want to bore you. You see my FAVORITE thing in the whole world to do is watch movies. I've been addicted to them all my life. They held a certain escapist quality for me in my youth and I revert to that when things get tough or confusing in life. So, if left to my own designs, I would like nothing more than to watch movies. Well, and WIND SURF, but being as I do not have my own equipment - I seldom have the chance to go.

Well, having said that, perhaps I should ask you a question or two.
1. Do you feel nervous around me? If so, then why?
2. The other evening, in response to Jenn's statement that she was getting married, and was very excited about that, you said: "he (Eric) certainly knows how to make a girl happy." What did that mean?
3. What was the most embarrassing moment in your life?
4. What is your favorite dessert?

Well, that's all the questions for now... time to retire for the evening. I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday and until then, thoughts of you will buoy my spirits.

- Robert. =)

PS There is something I need to warn you about... there are certain things I will never say first. Not a vow *wink* but something I never do or will do. Ask me Sunday, if you wish, and I'll explain. Ta ta!

Thursday, May 19, 1994

RE: smile

Yes, perhaps you WILL talk with me tonight! *grin* I was ver...
sorry I'm going to log back on... I have a terribly noisyconnection and it's messing up my words... back in a sec.
- Robert. =)

Monday, May 16, 1994

Monday Night at the Movies!


Just a note to remind you that we're getting together tonight at 8:00. I'll go down and get some drinks in a while.

Hope you had a great time with Jennifer this weekend. It was a rather therapeutic weekend for me... I think I'll be alright now in regards to us. I got rather cynical and it's donw WONDERS for me! *grin*

Well, assuming I survive this quarter intact I should only have ONE more quarter of this purgatory they call college! Then it's on for my MBA! I figure I might as well keep goign to school while I'm single... so I'll probably end up with a double-doctorates somewhere down the line! *laugh*

St Elmos's Fire: "Do you know what love is? It's an illusion created by [lawyers] to perpetuate another illusion called marriage, to create the reality of divorce and the inclusionary need for divorce lawyers." "Marriage is extinct, it was created by people who were lucky enough to make it past 20 without being eaten by dinosaurs!"

Yup, that's my philosophy in a nutshell. Anyway, have a great day and I'll see ya soon.

Your email buddy

-Robert. =)

Saturday, May 14, 1994



Well, it's after midnight and I thought I'd drop you a line before retiring for the evenin. I've taken your advice and taken steps to protect myself... so if I seem sometimes cynical in regards to matter of the heart please understand from whence it comes. Nature provides to all creatures a defense. Therefore, do not concern yourself with these things.

I am hoping that you will write to me over the summer. I generally get to know people a lot better over email... besides it is something I always determined I would do. If absence makes the heart grow fonder then so be it. Sometimes absence makes the heart elsewhere and in that case it is best. 'Tis best to find out sooner than later that someone you like is not so enamored of you. Absence is soemtimes the best way of determining this.

Anyway, thank you so much for being my friend, it really means a lot to me. I want you to know that I really do appreciate your going to the luncheon with me last week. It is not every person that will accompany another to a somewhat uncomfortable social gathering purely as a matter of friendship. You're a sweetheart.

I'd say you were a "sweet spirit" but that is instant DEATH to most friendships. After that is said, it is OVER! *grin* sorry if this message is a bit long... it is late at night... cynicism has crept in amongst the shadows of the eve... and I've just finished watching Much Ado About Nothing and Cliffhanger. NOT an advisable duo! Much Ado was terrific, albeit hard to follow - thus causing one to concentrate. Cliffhanger, however, does not so strain the mind. It also leaves you with thoughts equally as fluffy.

Oh, what did Richard Nixon have that Natalie Wood could have used?
A good stroke!

Did you hear that John Bobbitt can't go to public swimming pools?
Yeh, they always have those signs that say "no cut-offs allowed!"

Well, have a super day and write if you get time. Thanks again for being such a terrific friend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday, circumstances permitting.

C'ya later,

- Robert. =)

PS I'm still convinced it was a duck! *wink*