Saturday, July 30, 1994


Love and it's conterfeits (A prophet's checklist) 1. Love is kind and wholesome. 2. Love gives and serves; it does not take or exploit. 3. A willingness to sacrifice for another, even one's life, is an expression of pure love. 4. Love is founded in common ideals and standards. 5. Love is cleanliness. 6. Pure love will not wane, despite sickness, sorrow, poverty, privation, accomplishment, and disappointment. 7. In pure love there is a forgetting of self and concern for the other. 8. Love never manipulates. 9. Love is chaste and virtuous. 10. The purpose of love can never be selfish gratification. Love's Counterfeits 1. Entertaining impure thoughts - lusting 2. Manipulating a dating partner for selfish reasons 3. Dating to gratify ego and pride 4. "Taking" but never "giving" in a dating relationship 5. An unconcern over hurting a dating companion's feelings 6. Immodesty in dress and speech Robert, All of my past dating experiences (well not ALL but close enough) have been well described by the latter. I am glad and know that you truly love me and that I love you. The Spirit approves and has let us know this. It makes me happy to know that we can continue to progress which will allow our love to grow. It is now 4:00 and the lab is closing (everything else is shut down). I must leave now but at least I will do so expecting a call from you tomorrow and knowing that we love each other. Eternally yours, Wanda


Robert, You gotta know I love you. I am only at school, on a Saturday, to write to you. Otherwise I would stay as far away from campus as possible. I have been having problems with email, the lab aid said they were continuing from yesterday. I only have 10 minutes left to write so I really can't respond to anything in great detail, so I won't. I will, however quote some things that I found. I am going to send them each in their own message so you have more mail to read. I love you very much and can't wait to see you again. I really missed you bad this morning. Katrina doesn't understand what it is like to be without you. She has been with Brian every day since they have been engaged. (Julia calls it en-gagged). I do love you and only have 6 minutes left (the vax is having real problems). I love you, Wanda


Robert, Someone gave me an article to read and I want to quote it to you before I return it: Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Oct. 22 (AP) -- An intoxicated German tourist's "bomb threat" aboard an airliner was actually a plea to go to the bathroom, a Federal district judge has ruled, nine months into the tourist's stay in prison The passenger told the German-speaking flight attendant that his bladder was about to explode, not the plane, a Federal judge says. I know this article wasn't well written (it took me reading the first paragraph a couple of times through to realize what was happening) but you get the gist of it. I love you, Wanda

Friday, July 29, 1994

I love you

Robert, I don't know what is up with Weber's system either. It is really bad. I was on at 5:50, but it shut me out of the system, don't know why. I can't get anything to run right and you are not here, so I am going to leave. You won't even get this message until Monday morning, so I will come back and write tomorrow. It is good that we didn't get a hold of each other anyway, it takes a whole minute for a sentance to appear on the screen. Please know that I love you. I am sad that these aren't working because I really missed yu today. Love forever & ever, Wanda

young and naive

Robert, Your message is too long for me to respond to it right now. I think it is sweet that you got to the lab early so you could
here Robert, In my last messages I told you that I would try to be here at 5:00. I know that I am late. I thought you might be wondering where I was at so I read your last message. It was only a reply to my message about the alias I sent you so I don't think you are on yet. I love you and want you to know that I am here and willing to talk. Love always, Wanda
Robert, This is just a test to see if your alias still works. It obviously does. I love you. Wanda

no time

Robert, I don't have time to read anything or write a long message. I am supposed to be at work. I had a test that I was supposed to run down to the testing center and wanted to leave you a message to tell you how much I love you. I was rather worried yesterday. I don't know why. I love you and I know that you love me, I was just feeling undeserving of your love. I know that we will be married and that we can make it work. I love you very much. You always seem to know hte things to say and do to make me feel better. I love this in you. Hopefully I will learn to develop these same qualities. I must go now, I have been gone too long. Love always, Wanda

Thursday, July 28, 1994

I love you

Robert, Right now you are talking to your boss. I wish I could adequately express my feelings, but I can't. All I know is that I love you, you bring such a calm spirit into my life that I can't help but love you. Today was very busy. This is probably why I wasn't on the computers. I decided to reply to your last message while you are talking, but your message didn't really say much. You just told me that you loved me. I love you too and I always will. I am glad that you have chosen me for your eternal mate. You are back so I will send this and write to you over talk. Love, Wanda

22 days

Robert, I am so happy that there are 22 days left and I find it kind of ironic that you were the first one to figure it out. Do you still feel like an outcast in your YA group? Maybe the reason we don't notice such things here is because when you are here, we spend every waking moment together (and sleeping for that matter). I found out who sang that song that I wanted to hear all weekend. I heard it twice last night (on different stations) while I was doing my math assignment. It made me miss you. I think the title is "More Love," but I KNOW it is by Doug Stone. I will have to get it and let you listen to it. I think you would like it. I told Cindy today that I might not work for them on work-study fall quarter. She told me that she might be able to get the department to employ me. She said, "it isn't too often that we find someone good." She wants to keep me and said she would do everything in her power to do so. The only problem is, it isn't all in her power. The new department head will have to approve it and we don't know who it will be. The department usually likes to get work-study people so they can spend their money elsewhere, but Cindy said that everyone so far likes me. She said that they all think I am fast, thorough, efficient and do meticulous work. I usually get a lot of compliments from most of the faculty. This letter should be entitled "misc." It has a lot of tid bits that I have been meaning to tell you. (Like "I love you.") Yesterday and today I got my first taste of programming. I actually enjoy it, at least what I know so far. We have only worked with pascal (yes, I know, no one uses pascal anymore, but I programmed all the same). I successfully completed 2 programs. I will enjoy the other languages as long as I give my brain time enough to understand. That is where my problem lies. I have patience with everyone and everything under the sun except myself. That is why it is so hard to get over Steve, I keep kicking myself because my subconscious brings it up. John always used to tell me, "allow yourself some slack," or "allow yourself to have a bad day." I tend to give myself a hard time about school too and maybe that is why I am not enjoying learning as much as I used to. Back to the original subject. I think I will enjoy programming. I don't know enough about it yet to make an honest decision, but so far I have had a lot of fun. I am going to respond to your last message. I love you very much. The future WMH


Robert, I put the tiger on my plan. Do you like it? I am also looking forward to seeing you nearly every day. I am also looking forward to waking up to you every morning. Don't worry, I will concentrate on my math. I didn't fail it before and I don't really need it again except to get a bad grade off of my transcripts. I have been studying while I am at work and I studied last night after I go off of the phone with you. This teacher grades harder. I think I am getting a B. I wish I hadn't have flubbed it when I took it in the fall, I was acing it until I missed the last exam. I will do fine, don't worry about it. You said that you have done well to prove to yourself that you could do well in a University setting. I wish that I had that kind of motivation. Maybe I do and I just haven't found it yet. You also said that you failed miserably in high school. I did great in high school. My senior year I had all A's except for the last quarter I got a B+ in Physics. The only problem is, high school doesn't count when you move on. I guess college doesn't after a while. I haven't done that bad, but I haven't soared either. This is probably the worst I have ever done. In high school the lowest grade I got was a C in history. Everything else was high. I am sure that it will all become important once again, but please don't base your love for me on my GPA. I would love you even if you were still failing miserably. However, keep up your good work. I love the way you have achieved things. It is one of the reasons I love you so much. You have done so much with your life. I guess this is one of the reasons I feel so inadequate, you have done so much more. I realize that a lot of it has to do with your being older, so are you sure I am not too young for you? In my past relationships I have always had the upper hand. I realize in ours, noone is controlling the other (even though I have you trained). There have always been things I pride myself in, but I don't feel this way with you. Maybe I am having control withdrawl. Everything I thought I was good at, you are better, and don't tell me it comes with experience because you will always have 7 more years of experience than I do. I am sorry if I sound kind of glum. I don't know why I have been in this mood. Talking to you last night helped relieve some of it. Maybe I am just realizing what a good catch I have and don't feel worthy enough to string it. I love you. I don't know what you see in me or why you want to marry me, but I am glad that you do and maybe I will learn to be a better person because you have chosen to be with me. I feel really blessed and lucky that you want to give your life and love to me. I don't know what I did, but I hope I don't stop. If your love was taken from me I would feel completely empty and hollow. I am not complete without you and I never will be. I told you once before that I have never been dumped, and I don't want to start now. Please tell me that you are looking at me. Don't build me up to be someone I am not. If you are, you will discover this in our marriage and won't be as happy. I don't know why you want me, but you do, and that makes me very happy. In a way I am being a little selfish, but I love you. You deserve someone better with a lot more talent and much more accomplished in life, but I want you and am keeping you from this, I hope you don't mind. My letter is sounding more and more depressing. I really didn't start out expecting it to sound like this. It almost has me in tears, but I am in the computer lab with other people surrounding me, so watery eyes will have to do. I love you so much and don't ever want to lose you. Maybe I feel this way because miss you so much and I want to be with you. I am afraid that you will do to me what I did to Joe. I expected to much of him and then he moved to Utah and I started to date him. I soon realized that I didn't love him. I don't want this to happen. I am going to get off of this and write a new letter on a higher note. Just remember that I love you and I always will. Your gloomy girlfriend, Wanda

hello honey

Robert, Today has been an extremely busy day. This is my first break. I am happy you asked me to marry you, whether you are just being selfish or not. You have made me so happy. No other answer crossed my mind excep for "YES" and I am glad I listened. I love the ring and I hope that you like it to, after all it is a symbol of YOUR love for me. I show my love by wearing it. Everybody else loves it too. Do you remember talking about symbolism? We had to search for the symbol in the diamond. We overlooked the obvious. "Diamonds are forever." They are strong and lasting, as our marriage will be. I believed you completely when you said that you were picky about it. I know you well enough to know that you research into something and search long and hard before you make a final choice. I know that you only want the best. This is one of the reasons I love you. We will only have the best in our marriage. Our marriage will also BE the best. I feel safe when you tell me you love me. Even though we tell each other we love each other all the time, I know that you aren't just saying it. My love for you does not waver, and it won't. When I tell you I love you I am saying it consciously, realizing that my love for you keeps growing stronger and stronger. I fell in love with you before we separated the first time. My love grew stronger and more sure as we wrote letters (both over mail and email). Even though only 6 weeks had gone by, the love I felt for you takes a lifetime to nurture. My love only grew more rapidly and stronger when you were here for just 5 days, and it hasn't stopped growing. I will continue to love you -- FOREVER. We will have eternity to be with each other and that will start in only 33 weeks and 2 days. (It is 2 days until it is Saturday). This message may sound like it just rambles on, it may sound as if I wrote it when I was tired (I am), it may even sound cheezy. I don't care how it sounds as long as you realize that I love you with all my heart and I am not going to stop loving you so you better just get used to it. You can't back out now. I am going to send this to you because you might be out of class and on the computer. It is now 5 minutes after 5:00. I love you and can't wait to become Mrs. Robert Husted. I LOVE YOU!!! Always yours, Wanda

You are back

Robert, I am not exactly sure how many messages I sent to your account under "robert," but nontheless, I am glad you are back. I love you very dearly and I love to write and read messages from you. It was so good to talk to you last night. I was feeling very lonely. I have to go now, I only had time for a short message to tell you that I love you. I should be in class right now. I stayed up late doing my math assignment and studying for my test and so I was very tired and figured I would take a little time out of my personal finance class to write you. This way you will have a message when you log on. I probably won't be able to be back on the computers until 10:10, but that will be at building 2 and I can't write messages from there. I will be back at the lab at about 11:15. This way I can write to you all I want. I love you very much and can't wait to see you in 22 days. I believe that is right. We (you) figured it out last night. Once again, I love you and can't wait to make you as happy as you make me. We will be together soon. Love always, Wanda

Tuesday, July 26, 1994

I love you

Robert, I haven't had any time to read your messages and I probably won't. I have to finish a project for my computer Science class. I knew that it was due today, but I thought that I would be able to complete it yesterday (I forgot that the labs would be closed). I wanted to send this to you for two reasons: 1) You will know that I am on. Even though I will be doing a project, I can type to you at the same time and we can do a talk. 2) To let you know that I love you and miss you dearly. Last night was so hard, as the night before was. I will see you soon and w3e are starting the countdown all over again. I better be off to my project now. I love you very much, Your fiancee, Wanda

Wednesday, July 20, 1994

Cow's tongue and computers

Robert, This will be the last message you will be receiving from me before you leave. It is 10:00 right now so it will have to be a short one. I love you and I hope you remember that when you board the plane ready to se me. I will be waiting for you. I have to go, but I can't wait to see you in just 10 hours. Always yours, Wanda

2nd Coming

Robert, I finally get to respond to a message you wrote today. This is so cool. You talked about the second coming. Yes, I do want to hear your views on it, and we do have plenty of time to discuss it. I don't think He will come before the year 2000 either. Heavenly Father knows and Bro. Valletta said that that time IS set in stone. It is not dependant upon our righteousness or wickedness. It will come at a time when the saints are heavily persecuted. Heavenly Father isn't going to say, okay, I think now is a good enough time. It will be like the flood, when it is the only alternative left. When I was younger I used to hope that it would come during my life, but as I study more about it I don't think it will be in my lifetime. I don't remember exactly where it was or who it was that said it (we read it in Valletta's class), but someone said that it wouldn't be in his lifetime, nor his children's lifetime, nor his grandchildren's lifetime, nor in their children's lifetime, nor in THEIR children's lifetime. I will have to look over the handouts again to find this. If I can't find it I will ask Bro. Valletta about it Tuesday and email it to you. I know that we will be happy. Someone once said that it doesn't matter wether or not you see Christ come again or not. Your second coming could be when you die. I truly believe that we need to prepare to meet Christ again. It doesn't matter wether it is during THE Second Coming, we will see him again. I had better reply to your last message. I kind of got preachy again. Oh well. I love you and would love to talk about this, or anything with you, especially when it concerns the gospel, because the gospel, like you, makes me happy. Love, Wanda


Robert, We can worry and talk about resumes and jobs when you get down here. We will have plenty of time for that. I only have 10 minutes left to respond to the rest of your messages. I WILL get them all done. No doubt about that. I love you Wanda P.S. I probably won't take C until winter quarter


Robert, I would ask how short you got your hair cut, but I will see it soon. I love you. I only havae 25 minutes left to type messages to you. Right now I am responding to two of your messages. One about sharing your computer, and one about the Lion King. There isn't really much to respond to. I am excited to share the computer with you and I can't wait to go to the movies with you. I don't know if Rob will be able to make it, and I haven't been able to talk with Sean lately so I don't know if he is going either. Sean is pledging a frat and so he was supposed to do something either Fri or Thurs, he couldn't remember which last time I talked to him, but he wanted to come. Sally will be coming, along with her friend Charma. Julia will also come. Katrina and Brian won't be able to make it to the show, but I invited them to double with us for Chinese before we go to the movies. They might be able to make that. I only have twenty minutes left and about 5 more message. My responses might seem short, but my favorite phrase is short, "I love you." A lot of short messages make up for one big long message, at least when I am in a hurry. I will see you soon. less than 10.5 hours. Your future bride, Wanda

I love you!!!!!

Robert, I love you more and more. I just read a message you wrote. I can't remember what you titled it, but it talked of Jennifer and of the realities of marriage, it also talked of proposals and rings. Robert, I know it will happen when it is right, and the right time is when you can ask me and I can tell you I love you in person. I _____ want to spend eternity with you. I almost answered it, but I will wait for you to ask. I love you so very much, I wish I would have had more time today and last night to answer more of your messages. In your letter (that you wrote yesterday) you said that you wished tomorrow were today. In a twisted way tomorrow was today because yesterday used to be today, and yesterday's tomorrow is today. Did you get that? I love you. I really don't have enough time to respond to all of your messages. The vax keeps freezing on me which makes it really slow to write messages because I have to wait for it. It kept doing this last night too (even worse) and that is why you didn't have very many messages. I love you. I can't hold my excitement in, Michele doesn't have a choice (in my Beas 170 class) she will HAVE to put up with my ratteling. I love you. Wanda

Julia & Airport

Robert, Julia is taking me to the airport. We will be leaving at about 7:00. If I got there any earlier I would be a wreck by the time your plane got in. At least at home I will have things to keep me busy. I am not going to go to math, I would NOT be able to concentrate, I can't concentrate now. I told her that she could just drop me off. She said that that would be fine, but she didn't want me to get stranded. I told her that I wouldn't mind being stranded as long as your flight came in. She might stay just so I have someone to rattle on to while I am waiting for you. I will be so excited and I won't be able to contain it. I asked her if I could bring Tig. She told me that I could bring anything that I wanted to the airport. I only have 40 minutes left to write to you and so I am going to get moving. At least this is taking up time so I don't get overly excited, however, just talking about picking you up and knowing that it is just a little more than ten hours away is getting me more excited. I love you and I will get to see you soon. See ya REAL soon. Love, Wanda

11 hours!!

Robert, I just got our of class and logged in. The vax received your last message at 8:55, just ten minutes before you logged on though. I didn't read it to find out when you sent it though, who knows the vax could have delayed it. I have a ton of message that I need to respond to and I only have 55 minutes to do it in. I am going to go straight to work from class on Mondays and Wednesdays. It's only a half hour earlier, but they need someone as early as possible. This means that I get out a half hour earlier. It is good becuase I won't be able to keep my mind on anything until 7:00 finally approaches and Julia and I get to leave. However, I won't be out of work until 3:30 and you said that you were going to leave earlier than that, which means I have to respond to all of your messages before 10:00. I want you to have fresh mail when you return to Los Alamos, none of that stale stuff. I will probably respond to a couple at a time, unless I rattle on about something which I am seeming more and more prone to doing as of late. What was the letter from Jennifer all about. I know that she was responding to some of my questions, but sometimes it seems as if she was talking to me and sometimes she was talking to you. I don't know. I am going to get going on some of the messages you sent. I already have three from you since I last checked my mail yesterday. Oh, boy. I love you and can't wait to see you in 11 hours (by the time I leave the lab it will only be 10 and after I get settled in at work it will only be 8.) Every hour that went by I would go in and update Cindy as to how much longer until you arrive. I will be opening today (my keys are in Salt Lake) and I will be all alone, I won't have anyone to talk about you to. I am really going to be going now. I love you, Wanda

Tuesday, July 19, 1994


Robert, Don't worry, we won't have an ugly dog. With me as your wife we will only have cute pets (and that includes rats, if we both deem they are cute). They will also have to be cuddly (like Tig). The lab is closing shortly so my message will have to be short. I was only telling you about Sandy, my brother's "sewer rat" because she is really "dog ugly." My dad often joked with me and told me that they were going to give her to us as a wedding gift. He is only joking, he wouldn't be that cruel. Well, I better be going now. The lab aid is having a fit. I love you very much and will write lots more tomorrow when I won't be responding to any of btravers messages or helping a girl in my 170 class with her studying (she thinks I came to the lab to help her study, but the only reason she could interest me in coming at all is because I could type to you.) I would have come anyway though, you know that. I love you. I will see you in 23 hours and 15 minutes. Love, Wanda


Robert, BTRAVER is Brian Traver, and he thought that I might be some other Wanda that he knew in high school a few years back. I am not though. I read your message responding to my letter on food. I hope you don't mind, but I thought it was cute and I sent it to my dad. I am sure that he will like it. Have you gotten any email from him? He said he was going to write you a letter, but that means he has to have a moments peace at home and translate your mail address into compuserve language. When my mom called Sunday we were talking. I can't remember how we got into the conversation or how the suggestion came about, but my dad and I were urging my mother to write you an email message. She is quite computer illiterate. She is not as bad as some, but she know how to get into word perfect and tetris. When we first got tetris she used to sit at the computer for hours. She got addicted to it really fast. I don't know if she has played it as of late (past couple of years) but she knows how to manipulate the menu system to get to the programs she knows how to run. Mom will rarely send you email, if at all. I think she is afraid of the computer. When my dad first got it it was his prized possesion. But now it is old and needs badly to be updated. He wants to, but will wait until he has the money to do so. We have had it for at least 6 years and it is now out of date. I am going to respond to some more email. I love you. Wanda


Robert, I don't know how you could have forgotten chicken. I like chicken very much. I also like turkey. This won't go well with my uncle Derk. He doesn't like anything that swims or flies. I just got some mail from BTRAVER. Do you know who it is? I don't. I am going to check it out. I will write more later, you can count on it. Love, Your girlfriend, Wanda

24 hours

Robert, In 20 minutes it will be exactly 1 whole day before I get to see you. I am so excited. You said you wanted to be an actor at one point in time. I am glad you never became one though. If you had become a good one, and I am certain that you would have been, you probably wouldn't have come to Weber. Oh-h-h-h, Thank you for the poem, I always love to challenge my Deutsch. Today in institute we were talking about the first chapter in Thessalonians. Actually we never made it past verse 9. We will HAVE to take one of his classes together. I asked when the schedules come out and they arrive the 8th of August, so I will get one and we can take a class together in the Fall, along with going to the gym together, going to church together and doing our homework together. I have a feeling I will be seeing a lot of you. I am not complaining, I have to get my fill of you before you leave again. Anyway, back to the subject. We were talking about how the early saints misinterpreted some of Paul's teachings and expected Christ to come then. We also applied it to our day. Then Paul describes the coming as to a woman that is pregnant. We know that it is going to happen, but we don't know the exact day or hour. Guess what I thought of. Here is an interesting quote from his handout (it is rather long, but enjoy it): "Do we know when Christ shall come again, to take vengeance on the ungodly and to reign on earth in love and peace for the space of a thousand years? It is generally assumed we do not have any such information as athis, that such has not and will not be revealed. The fact is, we do know -- that is, we know the approximate time, shall we say, the generation of his return. "Paul's illustration here is perfect. The Second Coming is compared to a woman about to give birth to a child. She does not know the hour or the minute of the child's arrival, but she does know the approximate time. There are signs which precede and presage the promised arrival. And so it is with our Lord's coming. [and your asking me to marry you] He shall come as a thief in the night, unexpectedly and without warning, to the world, to those who are in spiritual darkness, to those who are not enlightened by the power of the Spirit. But his coming shall not overtake the saints as a thief, for they know and understand the signs of the times. "When shall this promised generation be? It is clear that nearly all of the foregoing has already transpired, and our revelation says that `the great and dreadful day of the Lord is near, even at the dorrs.'" "True it is that the day and hour of our Lord's coming are and will remain unknown, such being an incentive to all to watch and be ready at all times. But true it also is that those who watch for that great and dreadful day are expected to read the signs of the times so as to know the approximate time of his coming. I think that this applies to you and I in a lot of ways. Our marriage is coming and you and I will both be watching for those signs. This will be a great day as we prepare, but if we are not ready than in will be dreadful. Others will also watch and will not see the signs of our commitment (Tim). Many signs will come, such as a ring and a proposal, and we are patient, or should be patient, for them to occur. The righteous will come about in their own due time. I am sorry, it probably sounds as if I was preaching to you. I wasn't. I just heard Bro. Valetta quote this and I absolutely loved it (probably because it made me think of you) and I wanted to pass it on to you. I love you. I am going to attend to more messages that I have received from you. There are 9. I will more than likely get to at least half of them. I love you and hopefully I will leave plenty of interesting mail for you. Love eternally, Wanda

Holy Moo Cow!

Robert, I have 8 messages to respond to after this one. You'd think you missed me or something. I can't write long, because I got out of work early to go to the library (I am in the SS right now.) I have to finish my Personal Finance that is due tomorrow. I am so happy that their won't be much on my mind school wise, all there is room for is you. I just got another message from you. Now I have to read and reply to 9. I won't mind much. Most of it will be replied to tomorrow. I will probably do some of it after my institute class tonight. Schedule: 3:30 go to library 4:15 leave for flute 6:00 Institute 7:30 Write to you 9:00 leave with Katrina (home) 9:15 Laundry and homework Hopefully I will get to bed early, I want to be wide awake when I am with you. Last night Julia and I talked and did homework until about 1:30. I have to get to sleep earlier. She will be dropping me off and then leaving. What time are your parents going to be there? Just so you know, my mother said we could leave the night of the 21st. You said we could leave Sunday or Monday, you just didn't want to travel on your birthday. Monday IS your birthday. I have to be off to the library now. I have to go get my quotes from the Wall Street Journal, it takes about a half hour. If I am done before 4:00, I will drop you another message. I will be writing plenty tonight and tomorrow morning (during the lab I don't have to go to, I already have it done), that way you can read messages while youare at work. You will already be excited to see me (at least you better be) and then you can read letters from me all day long. My lab tomorrow is at 8:50. I will be on the computer in the Wattis Building, so if you want to talk, go ahead. I love you very much and can't wait to see you TOMORROW night. I love you, Wanda. PS 28.5 hours and counting.


Robert, As far as I am concerned, you won't ever have to sell the computer as long as you follow one stipulation: You share it. However you have already indicated that you are ready to do so. I love you. I can't write a long message. In fact it will be rather short, I have to go to the Social Science Building to go to work and it takes forever to climb up the three flights of stairs. Cindy is working today so I don't want to be late. They already like having me there and I don't want to give them any reason to not like me. At work I talk about you so much that you have to come by Thursday to meet Cindy. When are we going to go see the Lion King. I invited Julia to come (I think I already told you this) and she rearranged plans with her mom (she doesn't like going home) so she could see it. Sally is bringing a friend that will be staying with her this weekend, that means she won't feel like I am ignoring her. I think she understands how I feel about you even though she doesn't comprehend it. Did you say something to Katrina about her and Brian going? I know you asked her about the water park, but Julia and I were talking about it, then I left, and then she told Julia that her and Brian had been invited. I don't mind them coming, I just don't remember them saying anything. Watching the Lion King has turned out to be far more public than I wanted it to be. I guess it will be all right though because we will be going up to our spot that night. I love you. Well, I better go or I am going to be late to work. I love you very much and always will (don't EVER forget it!!!). Love, Wanda


Robert, Yes it does seem that we enjoy a lot of the same things. You asked though about golfing. The only golfing I ever did was minature golfing. Myrtle Beach (in South Carolina) is the minature golf capital of the world. I was never really great at it, but I wasn't terribly bad. Sometimes I would win, sometimes I would lose. It usually depended on the day. I won't discount real golfing I am willing to try anything once (well ALMOST anything). Usually with enough coaxing, YOU could get me to try anything. It has something to do with that "trust" thing. I love you. I can't wait to see you. I just want to be with you. Is that so bad? Surely I better want to be with you if I want to marry you. Brittany, my 13 year old cousin, asked me "why do you like him so much?" (I kind of ramble about you all the time) I asked her, "why does your mom like your dad so much?" She told me, "Well, they're married." I wanted to shout to the world "I am going to be the future Mrs. Robert Husted," but I contained myself. I love you and can hardly wait to be with you forever. That's commitment isn't it? Well, maybe it doesn't seem so scary at times. Surely it is a big decision, and the floor can seem quite cold at times, but it would be impossible to go on through all of eternity without you. That idea is even scarier. I love you and am excited that I will be able to see you soon. I am glad that I am not in many of the Jennifers positions. I know that you love me and want to marry me as I want to marry you. I hope you know that my desire for this and my commitment to you is very strong and will remain that way for always. I REFUSE to pressure you into coming up with the ring and asking you. I am patient. You reassure me everday that it will be coming. I can wait. It isn't easy waiting to announce to the whole world that I love you, but I can do it and therefore I should do it, for you if for no other reason. I love you and therefore I trust you (vice versa also). I trust your love for me that it will burn strong and I want you to know that my love will in return always be there for you. Our relationship isn't, and shouldn't be one-sided. Do you remember when you were questioning our relationship when Mary Covington said that I was too young? Don't heed to what Jennifer says. You know me FAR better than she does. I will not panic without a ring. All I need to know is that you love me. Your love will sufice more than any material possesion. I feel like I have been typing forever and haven't really said anything. I have just walked around the same bush over and over again. The point of the last few paragraphs is: I don't care if you don't have a ring. I don't care if you don't officially propose until the day before we get married (surely this is an extreme). I AM patient and I will wait for when it is best for YOU to ask me. I love you and that love is returned. That is all I need. You were correct when you said that the ring and the marriage ceremony are just symbols of our love and commitment. They are important symbols, but they are symbols all the same. People in South Africa are plenty happy and I am sure that they don't have elaborate jewelry to express their love and commitment. I love you. I am going to go to my class now. I will see you soon. Only 34 hours. Your bride-to-be, Wanda


I LOVE YOU TOO I LOVE YOU TOO I LOVE YOU TOO I LOVE YOU TOO I LOVE YOU TOO I also miss you very much, I LOVE YOU TOO but I will see you shortly, I LOVE YOU TOO Love always (I know you will), I LOVE YOU TOO Wanda I LOVE YOU TOO I LOVE YOU TOO


Robert, I don't understand why you thought you were in trouble. Did you do something that you thought would make me upset? No matter. I am not upset with you. I just love you tons and miss you lots. I get to see you TOMORROW night. I don't have to say the day AFTER tomorrow. I am extrememly excited. I couldn't contain it this morning when I got up. After Katrina came back from the shower (just before I left) I got really anxious to see you. I miss you tons. It is only 35 and a half hours until I get to be with you. I really can't wait. I really enjoyed talking to you today. That reminds me. I won't be able to do a talk at 4:00. I have to go to flute at 4:30 (which means I have to leave at 4:15. Hopefully Cindy will let me off early because I have to get to the library to finish my project tomorrow for Personal Finance. I have to go right now. I should be on my way to class. I just wanted to drop a letter to let you know I was thinking of you. I love you very much. Your future Bride, Wanda

Monday, July 18, 1994


Robert, Why is it not letting me connect to you? I am trying to connect. It just tells me that it is waiting for a response on your machine. Help, I love you and want to talk to you. Wanda

where are you

Robert, I got a request to talk to you and I responded, several times, but the vax isn't connecting us, why not? I love you. Wanda

cats and dogs

Robert, You are not in the doghouse. I am sorry I gave you that impression. I was just a little depressed and lonely because I wasn't going to see you for 2 and a half more days. I love you so much, I don't want to wait that long. But I have to and I can, so I should. That is funny about Steve and Debbi and the cat. Did I ever tell you about Lara and I and the Lion (a bigger cat) at the Tierpark in Siegelbach? If not remind me to tell you someday. I used to have a parakeet. I was going to teach it to talk. When it was 6 months old it drowned. I know it sounds funny now, but it was a traumatic experience for an 11 year old girl who had just lost her best friend. Over Spring quarter my other pet died. She was an albino rat. Her name was whitey. I know. It sounds kind of dorky, but she was so cute. Joe used to have a rat too, but she died over Christmas break. My mother would never let us go near her if we had them on our shoulders. Philip used to have hamsters, but I think they have all died. Between my two brothers we have had almost every pet imaginable. We have had snakes, turtles (in Germany we had the little ones you keep in the aquarium), spiders and more. Over the years we have had numerous cats. Some good, some bad. My parents had a dog, lady, when they were first married - but when they had me she got jealous and so they gave her away. My grandparents also gave them a dachshund as a wedding gift. I remember Zuggi (I am not sure how to spell it, but that is how it sounds). She lived to be pretty old. 16 years if I remember right. The closer to the ground a dog is, the shorter they live. We were in Germany when she got cancer in her leg. I remember holding her after she had seizures. The next day my dad took her to be put to sleep. My mother didn't want to know when he went. She was really a friend of the family. Right now they have an ugly dog. They named her Sandy. She looks much better when she is shaved, but she is still UGLY. My dad says she looks like a sewer rat. Sometimes she stinks, but I think it is because they live in El Centro. At first my dad told them they couldn't keep her, but she kind of grows on you. She is about the size of a cat and really scrawny. I better go now. You are going to be calling me any minute. I love you. Wanda


Robert, how old is Jennifer? How long has she been engaged? How long did it take her to get him to ask her? She sounds pretty young, at least that's how she sounds when you describe her. Has she been engaged for a long time. Did it take him a long time to ask her. It seems that she is insecure about her marriage REALLY happening. I don't know why she keeps pressuring you to ask me. She keeps putting me into her shoes and giving me her feelings. Keep in mind that I am NOT Jennifer (if I were I wouldn't be marrying you). I AM patient. I can wait for you to ask me to marry you at the right time and at the right place. Please let her know that while I am anxious for you to ask me, I know that you will. What difference does it make wether you ask me now or in a month. I can't believe it you are still at work. Another message will just have to be postponed. I love you. Wanda

The Rest of the Story

Robert, I love you!!! I miss you so much and I want so badly to be by your side. My last letter got cut short, but I don't mind because I got to talk to you. My mind could not concentrate. I sat in math and all of his words went in one ear and out the other. What he said never entered my mind. I asked Jason, the guy behind me to call me if he gave us an assignment. Then I gave him my number. So I left at the break. I usually wouldn't care if he gavae us an assignment or not, but I need to know if I need to hand in anything Wednesday before I pick up you. I could go to half of class Wednesday, but I know that I will be worse than I was tonight. So I won't. It will be the first (and probably the only) class I skip all quarter long. It will be okay though, it's only 107. Back to what I love. I love board games, not "bored" games. My brother, Philip and I used to play them all the time. When we lived on Mulberry Drive in South Carolina, we used to stay up all night playing them. Phil and I were the only ones though. We were really night people, unlike my mother and my other brother Joe. I love the outdoors. I love to hike and camp. I think it is so relaxing to be out where no one else is. That is probably why I study best behind LaSal. No one knows where I am, I can enjoy the sun and the clouds, and no one stops to talk to me. I haven't gone outside to study yet this quarter, that is probably because I get home after the sun has gone down. My favorite foods: When I was little my mother made our favorite dinner on our birthdays. I always used to have her make meatloaf (my mother's is the BEST) and brussel sprouts with mashed potatos and gravy. That phase has long since gone. I still enjoy them, but I also enjoy other foods. My absolute favorite is Jeager Schnitzel, but you can't get that here in the states. I didn't used to like seafood, but ever since I used to help Abraham at the "Seafood Market of El Centro" I learned to love certain kinds. Seafood is probably the only thing I am picky about. Let me clarify the chocolate thing. I didn't used to like it. I think that was another one of my childhood phases. I enjoy it now, but not as much as the chocolate fanatics that are out there. My favorite cookies are pecan sandies and ginger snaps. I used to beg my dad to buy me ginger snaps. I don't know why I liked them so much but I did. Actually I still do. I love nuts. All kinds of nuts. My favorite nut (other than you) is Brazil nuts. If you ever have mixed nuts, those will be the first gone. I also love honey roasted peanuts and and Diamonds smokehouse almonds. (at least that's what I think they are called). Other munchies I like are banana chips and sunflower seeds. My favorite cheese is swiss. My grandmother used to get it and whenever we went over to her house she would always let me have some. No one else liked it. She also had other foods that my dad and I liked but no one else, like sweet pickles. She would also make the best homemade applesauce. I always liked a lot of the things my father liked. My mother used to think that we were both strange. Usually they were odd foods that everyone would turn their nose up at (like blue cheese salad dressing). I guess that is why I am not a picky eater. I like the odd things and the "normal" foods. I didn't just like foods because my dad did. He liked other stuff that I couldn't stomach. He love to get pepperoni and anchovi pizza. Yuck. He likes liver, I tried it once and I about gagged. Dad also liked gibblets from the turkey. That is a little more common, but I really don't like it. If you want it on Thanksgiving I will cook it for you (or anything else for that matter) but don't expect me to eat it with you. I love fruits and vegetables. My favorite fruit is oranges. I absolutely LOVE oranges and anything else that has to do with them (such as orange juice). I like apples and STRAWBERRIES. Wait a minute. I tried a mango last night that my Grandmother sent with me. I didn't like it. It was okay, but I wasn't that fond of it. Chaney gave me a piece of a jicama and I liked it. I also like grapes, but that is more sentimental. Wow, get me talking about food and I ramble on. There is so much more you asked about. You asked about my favorite lunches and breakfast too. My favorite breakfasts are hash browns and bacon. I also love my dad's waffles. Of course this has to come with orange juice. Lunch can come with just about anything. I do love chicken though. Fried chicken, chicken sandwiches, General Tsau's chicken :). Yes, if you brought me a box of chocolates I WOULD eat them and I WOULD like them. I would probably share them with you too. I wouldn't mind that one bit. Cheesecake is my favorite dessert, especially with cherries and blueberries on them, chocolate on them is also good. My dad however makes a mean banana cream pie. The other day I ate a whole banana all by myself. I don't think I have ever been able to do that. I would always tire of the sweet fruit before I could finish it. When I was a younger child, I would get sick. You know, that feeling that you ate too much of something sweet? Actually that is/was the only time I ever felt it. I could eat all the candy I ever wanted and would never get sick from it. Sodas are good, but I love juices, any kind of juices. Even juices with mangos in it. I just don't like the fruit. At least not as much as everyone else does. When I was 10 Amy and I went down to the Edeka. They had Kiwis on sale. We put all of our Pfennings together and bought one. We had never had one before so we cut it in half and ate it skin and all. I will never do that again. Since then I know better and I will eat a kiwi (but I still like oranges better). See, I have rambled on even longer since I last stopped talking about food. I don't know if I can do it any more. It is making me REALLY hungry. I had breakfast this morning: Eggs and an English Muffin. I am going to finish replying to your other letters and then I am going to go home and eat. I can't believe I talked this much about food. The last thing I love that I am going to tell you about (but I love it the most) is you. I love being with you, I love talking with you, I love typing to you, I love kissing you and holding you, I love telling you I love you and I love hearing that you love me. I JUST LOVE YOU. You better just accept that because I am not going to stop loving you. I have rambled on long enough for one letter. I love you and always will. Love eternally, Wanda

Best Friends . . . Forever

Robert, I love you so-o-o-o-o much. I hope that you can just be yourself around me because that is who I love, not anyone you would pretend to be. I guess we enjoy a lot of the same things. I have recently finshed a puzzle that I would work on, sometimes by myself, sometimes not, and I would listen to the radio while piecing it together. Often times I would hear songs that would remind me of you. I miss you. I can't wait until you get here, only 51.5 hours. I love books, however, if a teacher assigns me to read one, I don't enjoy it. I think it is because I would rather read it than analyze it. If I see something, that is fine, but I would much rather enjoy it. I like to watch movies, and it seems that while I am with you, I will learn to love them even more. I have to agree that TV does not cut it for sports. I can't stand watching them on TV. However, I would much rather play them than watch others have all the fun. My only problem is that I am no good. My mother says that I am too left-brained. I can analyze it and I always know the theory behind it, but I have absolutely NO coordination. (kind of like bowling) Then only sport I was ever good at (and I tried many) was swimming. I love to swim. Maybe Wanda was an appropriate name. I can't swim as well as I used to. I need to get more fit. When we are married we can go to the gym together, right? I love music. I enjoy the piano, but only when I am the only one listening, otherwise it is no fun. I enjoy the flute, although now it has become a chore to find time to practice, so I don't, and I stress when it comes time for my lesson. The flute is something I would like to keep up. My only problem is that I won't, unless I have lessons (a reason to practice) and I am NOT going to have that stress for the rest of my life. Maybe it will eventually become like the piano for me. The advantage of keeping up the piano is people ask me to play. You are calling me and so I will finish my favorites tonight. I love you. Wanda


Robert, I talked with my mom last night. She called right before she went to choir. I told her about what we had been planning and asked why she changed it. She said that she couldn't make it up until the 16th. I asked if that meant we had to leave on the 23rd and explained what we had planned. She said she didn't realize that their was specific stuff we had planned. She said we could still LEAVE on the night of the 21st or the morning of the 22nd (dhe does better in the daylight hours) and spend the night of the 22nd in LA. She reminded me that if we didn't visit my Grandma Bainbridge before we left she could get offended. I want to visit her anyway and show you off. Not more than two minutes after you hung up Friday I hear "I've been thinking about Elvis" on the radio. I really began to miss you. Things started to calm down about an hour after we got off the phone. Isn't that the way it is supposed to happen. I really love and miss you and I can't wait to see you again. It is only 55.5 hours until I pick you up from the airport, less than 2 and a half days. I am ecstatic. I was so excited in Beas 170 (my last class) that I could hardly contain it. I took my personal finance test today. Wouldn't you know it, half of the stuff I studied wasn't on the test. Isn't that annoying. I knew most of the material however. I just hope that I got it all right. Did I ever tell you about my math test? If not, I got an 88 (if I remember right). There was only one test higher than mine, by 4 points, which I would have had if I hadn't have overlooked problem 2d. I was so mad at myself. I took a production test in dBASE today. I noticed my test score for DOS 100%. I also have a perfect score in Computer Science so far. I took the written test for that class Thursday. I am sure that it is not perfect anymore, but the questions were easy and so I am sure I did well and am still getting an A out of that class. I wonder how my two written tests for Beas 170 will be. I took the first one over a week ago and I don't have a score. I will be taking the second one tomorrow. My next math test isn't until the 1st of August. Cool. My other three classes won't have any more tests until the final on the 11th of August. So I won't have ANY tests to worry about while you are here. It was almost the perfect time for you to come down. too bad you didn't take Friday and Monday off instead. I don't have class on Monday (or work) so that would have been a day without those in the way (unlike Thursday and Friday). I guess it is good that you are coming down as soon. I can't wait for 2 days, I would have had to add another one in. ugh. I am going to go now. I only have 10 minutes before I have to be at work. I will write plenty more at 4:00 (before my math class at 5:00) and after math at 8:00. I love you so much and am so delighted. You always make me laugh. I am so happy knowing that I will be able to be with you for eternity. Don't worry about what we won't do over this weekend, we have a lifetime to go to the waterslides. I love you, Wanda

Thursday, July 14, 1994



pretty womAn

Robert, Hopefully now there will only be one pretty woman in your life, and if I am lucky you might introduce me to her. I love to know that your list goes on and on and yet I feel privileged (sp?) that you have chosen me ot remain with you for the rest of your life and on into the eternities. I am also flattered that you found everything you were looking for in me. When someone tends to date a lot of people, they get very picky because they become more and more sure about what they want in a person. Also as one gets older (and I am talking about me too) people tend to get more set in their ways. This makes it harder to find a mate that one can live with forever. Now you and I will be able to grow more set in OUR ways together. There is a dad here with his little boy they are so cute. As of late I have been noticing newlyweds and young families. It gets me more excited to be with you. You are still at your computer, you are paging me so I will end this now. I will write tomorrow definately. I have flute today so I won't even have much time left to talk. I love you. Wanda


Robert, I sit in my math class for 3 hours until I finally tune the guy out and work on my assignments. It is good that I work on assignments because that is the only time I get them done. I logged off of my account just a few minutes before noon. That is when I have to work. I usually have to work until 4:00, but during the Summer there isn't much to do. I won't be able to type to you tomorrow. I have to work until noon and then I have to take a test in the testing center and then I have to leave for Salt Lake. I will probably leave you a short note (or a long one if I have time) after I take my test. I will be so anxious to talk to you Sunday. We haven't gone a week yet without calling each other in between. It was my fault this time. I can't help it, I love you and want to be with you, but the telephone is the best I can do. I just realized this was our last chance (this stretch) to not call each other for a week. I am glad. This means that it is less than a week that I will see you. In fact it will only be 148 hours (6 days and 4 hours) until I see you at last. I am going to respond to your last two letters. I love you very much and can't wait until 8:00 Wednesday night (this is so cool, I don't even havae to specify which Wednesday because it is THIS Wednesday). I love you and ALWAYS will. Wanda


Robert, don't make any plans in August yet. I only got the message over email. Katrina told me that my mother called me last night. It might be better to do things the way they were originally planned. Please don't make any plans for or against it until I have a chance to speak with her. The whole reason I want to go to California is because I want to meet your mom and grandparents. I love you. I am just not sure what is going on on my mom's side of things. Maybe she thought it would be easier for you to fly out there. I don't know. Things will work out. My dad said that he needs your full name and Driver's liscence number if he puts you on the rental car agreement. I can't drive it. You have to be 25. You are just old. I love you. Things will work out. I am going to respond to some of your other messages. Love for always, Wanda

I am here

Robert, I am writing this to let you know that I am at the lab. I don't have any lab work I can do at present. I really should have brought my dBASE, but I can do that at my grandparent's home Saturday. I will probably be up here Saturday night. I hope so. Last time I missed part of church. I got the important part though. I would write longer, but you might now know that I am on early so I will send this to you. I love you. Less than 6 days and counting down. Forever yours, Wanda

Good Morning

Good morning honey! How has work been today? I got a letter from my dad and Sean today. My dad said that my mom lost your email address and so I had to send it to him again. He will probably write you a letter as soon as he checks his mail, which isn't very often (once or twice a week). My dad said that my mother made final plans. He said that she was going to leave the 16th of August and return the 23rd. This isn't good. What do we do? She originally was going to leave the 21st because the girls' school starts the 22nd. I have no clue as to why she changed the plan. My dad isn't going to come up with her. What do you want to do? Do you want to go down later? Maybe we can discuss this later on. I am just not sure what the options are. Maybe you could fly down to San Diego the following Saturday. That would be the 27th I believe. You could still come down and stay in Salt Lake, but I thought we were going to visit your mom and your grandparents. I also want you to meet my brothers and they wouldn't be coming up. By the way, it is only 153 hours until I can see you. If you want it to sound shorter you can say 6 days or 6/7 of a week. I miss you and I love you. I checked my mail box yesterday and I expected to get a phone bill. I haven't gotten it yet, but I did get TWO postcards from you. On the first one you sent you said something about being patient with you. What was I patient with. I wasn't actively trying to hold my patience and I think that that is because I love you. I am going to go now. I am going to drop my book bag off in the office and then head back down to the computer terminals. I love you. Wanda

Wednesday, July 13, 1994

Pretty women

Robert, Just thought I would reply to the last letter you wrote me before I go home. This way you will have two messages from me when you check your mail. This one can't be really long at all though. It doesn't matter how many messages I have from you anyway. As long as I have plenty of time (which it seems like I don't anymore) I can ramble away. I feel at a slight disadvantage though. You sit at a computer screen. Every time you have a five minute break you can drop me a line. I wish I could do the same for you. I get very lonely not writing to you. Maybe that is why it is good we talk on the phone on Sundays. I miss you a great deal after waiting two days to correspond with you in any way. You were mentioned a song in the last letter. Part of it goes, "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife." After listening to you, I don't know if you are following the advice it gives you. Your letters are so flattering. Thank you so much. They brighten the gloomiest days when I read them. You always have something nice to say and I love to read them. Actually, you could quote the Wall Street Journal and I would love to read them because they are from you. However if you want me to pay attention to what I am reading, don't quote it (I already have to look at it because of my Personal Finance class. Yuck!!!) I should go now. I love you and can't wait for the next 167 hours. Love eternally, Wanda (your unofficial fiance)


Robert, After these two messages, I will only have the one that you sent me this evening after I went to math and you talked to Steve. Since we did talk last night, these seem old, maybe that's because they are old. I think if we correspond by mail and talk more often we won't run our phone bills up so high. I really should start conserving my minutes to talk to you on Sundays. I am, however, glad that we talk other times too. I agree that our relationship/love/concern has grown stronger since we have been away. Imagine how much stronger it will grow when we are together. I want to only be by your side, nothing more. You had also said "you are there and I am here, that means one of us is in the wrong place." It is funny because I sent you a card with the exact same saying on it the day I got your message. The more I think about it though, we are wrong. I don't think it is one of us that is in the wrong place, both of us are in the wrong place. I will be in the wrong place as long as I am somewhere other than by your side. I know that sounds corny, but for me that is the ONLY right place. Math was really boring (I left 20 minutes early). All we were talking about were logs. I remember logs, I never had a problem with them, I always found them really easy (even when dealing with Chemistry which was when everyone else hated them). I am excited to be with you and move down to Los Alamos. I think going to school down there will be a blast. Actually, going to school anywhere with you will be a blast. I am not just saying that either. Being with you always calms my spirit and makes me enjoy the blessings that I have (i.e. you). I am so happy that Heavenly Father allowed our paths to cross. I am sure if they didn't cross then, they would have crossed later, but he knew we were ready. We might not have thought that we were ready (after all, marriage is a BIG commitment) but I love you and that is all I need to be ready. I thought that it would be a while before I was "prepared" for marriage, but I was wrong. I didn't need more preparation, I only needed someone that I could truly love. I could have only asked for one thing other than completely loving you, that was for you to completely love me, and you do. I have never felt so empty being without one person, nor have I felt so full being WITH one person. You make me complete and my heart full, and I love you for that. I didn't even miss my parents for a whole year as much as I miss you in 5 weeks. You also have witnessed a fraction of how close my family is. I am anxious to join your family and am excited to have you join mine. I know tht we will discover true joy together as we near the eternities with each other hand in hand. Sherry and her husband have been married for 6 years now. They never wake up without telling the other "I love you," and they never say good-bye without giving each other a kiss (in person of course). I think that this is awesome. She says that it helps strengthen the marriage in many ways and hold it together. For one thing, she knows that she kissed him that morning before he leaves to work with female co-workers. It also shows their two kids that mommy and daddy love each other. This I think is good and healthy. I agree that arguments should be kept out of sight and hearing range. I have never seen my parents blow up at each other. The only times anyone yells is when my mother yells at my dad when she is frustrated with something else someone else has done. This CAN be damaging. When we were younger it confused us. My mother would often say "I am yelling to your father, not at him." Don't get me wrong. It wasn't screaming, it was a very forceful voice and we didn't hear it that often, but when we did, we knew that she was upset. I also had a friend whose aunt made her promise never to sleep in a separate bed than her husband. I will make this promis to you. I will never kick you out of OUR bed. I will always sleep by your side. The only exception to this rule is when you are on a business trip, and it better be a BUSINESS trip, because that is when we need to share a bed the most. I must go now. I almost hate ending a letter to you as much as I hate saying good-bye. I have rambled on enough though. My Personal Finance is calling me, along with my test in BEAS 170 and my test in Computer Science tomorrow. I miss you, you are always on my mind. I love you. Love forever, Wanda PS. Are we still going to watch Bobby Fischer? I thought that that was the one we were going to watch on our own. I don't know yet if Julia is going to watch The Lion King with us. If she does than I will also invite Sean. He wants to meet you. He saw you once, but he wants to get to know you. He says that you sound like a great guy and he wishes us an eternity of happiness.


Robert, I am off to my math class in a few moments, I wanted to drop you a note before I left though. In the letter I just read you said something about being cautious after we get our first phone bills. You are probably right. My phone bill is either on its way or it is sitting in my mailbox now. I haven't checked it since Friday. Oh well. Sunday was the 10th and that is usually when they give them out so they were probably distributed Monday. We will see. I am off to my math class now. Hopefully you will be around at 11:30 to talk tomorrow, I have to work at 12:00 but I think the more chance we get, the less we will call each other on the phone. I will see you shortly 171 hours. Love always, Wanda

3 from yesterday

Robert, I just finished reading three letters from yesterday. I really wish I had the time to right you. It really is a shame that I have to work WHEN I do. You are paging me and it is 4:10 and so this will be a short note. I love you. Wanda

Am I getting caught up?

Robert, I am finally on a letter you sent me yesterday. It still seems like old news though because I talked with you. I am here waiting for you to request to talk with me. Tim: I think your suspicions were correct, and you warned me just as my mother would have done. In a lot of ways you are like my mom, except you are a guy and you aren't as naive as she is. My mother was brought up in a bubble, she doesn't know what anything means. You are also right about others trying to lead us away from each other AFTER we are married. Hopefully this will decline after time. I watch my dad now and I don't think the idea ever crossed his mind. It might have when they were engaged, or MAYBE when they were first married, but I doubt it. I love the devotion that my parents have towards each other and their relationship and I want to build the same foundation with you. That is why when Tim is around it makes me feel uncomfortable because I know that he is trying. It isn't hard to not take his invitations, but it disturbs me that he would even try. I hope that we won't have to encounter any more of this kind. I think once the adversary knows that we won't stray from one another he won't make much of an attempt. I love you and I will always be by your side, and no one else's. I hope you know this and not just hope that I am and always will be faithful to you. Thank you for answering the finance questions, I printed them out so I can go home and start on my budget. I am not sure how I am supposed to budget a wedding into this. I will probably call my mom for this. Actually I will call her when I only have a few minutes and then I will have her call me back an hour later so it will be on their bill. It is almost four, I wonder if you are around and just waiting for me to send something to you so you know if I am here. I tried talking to you, but you were not on the machine. I am going to send this to you and start on more mail. I hope you can call me soon, I have a math class at 5:00 and it is now 4:00. Eternally yours, Wanda

another friday letter

Robert, I had another letter that you wrote Friday. I REALLY feel behind. I found out some cute info about Mike Nollar. Remember to ask me about it when we talk Sunday. I thought it was really funny. Now, down to finances. I talked with my Personal Finance teacher (we have to schedule a budget from July 94 to June 95) and he said that I have to include you in the middle of March. I have to include your income, budget a wedding, and budget a new home afterwards. I have the toughest assignment in class. What will we most likely be doing? What kind of money will you and I make? It doesn't have to be exact, but make a realistic guesstimation. I don't want to do this assignment, but it will probably help both of us in the future. I wish it weren't due until the Thursday you were here that way we could discuss some of it in person and you could be here. If you could just answer some of the questions (it's due Tuesday) then I would be extremely happy because with some things I haven't a clue. Also, feel free to add in any additional expenses I haven't thought of that we will have to face, I need this budget as realistic as possible. He isn't going to grade my living within it (that's my weekly one), but I figure that since I am doing it, I might as well do it right and use it. Will we most likely work at the lab? How much do they pay? What kind of furniture do we want to buy when we move into our first home? Where will our first home be? At Steve's house? Is that still an option? Keep in mind that my mother said that with the money we save on the reception, she will give us to buy a really nice bedroom set. That was the first furniture my parents got when they first got married, my dad said that it was the most important. Will we have a car to pay off? If so, how much? Until when? What kind of car? How much will insurance be on the car? Will we have other insurance to pay? Right now my health insurance is Champus. My dad said it was good that I was close to Hill AFB or he would have a fortune in medical bills to pay (his way of saying I get into too many accidents). If we rent an apartment will we get fire insurance? A house burning down is a reality, and thanks to the Spirit prompting my dad he bought a policy 6 months before our house burned down. What are our education expenses? For entertainment we can watch lots of videos. What would a monthly cost be on it? Also, any time we eat out, we should include that in entertainment. Don't worry though, I can cook and we will eat in. Which brings me to another question, what will our grocery bill be like? I figure it will be about 150 a month, IF we are frugal. I know how to shop frugal to and I have learned how to make food go a long way. When we are finally together, what will our telephone bills be like? In some ways it will kind of depend on where we live, won't it? You are trying to talk to me so I am off. Love always, Wanda

Friday Mail

Robert, I just finished reading a letter that you wrote to me Friday. I am so behind and the letter seemed so old. I wish that I had tons more time to write you, but being busy does keep the thinking part of my brain occupied. When things lul down in classes I imagine picking you up at the airport. I don't even have to try, my mind just wanders. I miss you so much. I am not going to make this letter a long one for two reasons: first - if you are on you will receive my mail and know that I am on. Second - I can get on to some newer mail with newer topics and get started on some of my classwork for other classes. I love you and can't wait for you to be here again. Love always Wanda

Tuesday, July 12, 1994


Robert, I am glad that you are not very committed to yourself, at least in one respect. If you had followed through with your commitment to never fall in love we wouldn't be unofficially engaged right now. I am glad that we are. Don't worry, I know that when you commit to do something you usually do, I am just grateful that I could persuade you otherwise. I love you too. I only have to be without you for one more week. I can see you again a week from tomorrow night. It sounds so close, but I know that it will take forever for that week to pass. I am not sure about my car, we will see what happens with it. I am going to go down to Salt Lake again Friday. If I don't get it then we can meet your parents at the airport and Julia said she would take me down. She is so awesome. I am supposed to make a budget for my Personal Finance class. How much should I allow myself for a phone bill. Be liberal, I have to stick with it. I am also supposed to save 10%, and I usually try to put more than that in savings, but my last paycheck was small (only 8 days) and a lot more expenses have come up. It is 10:00 and I have to head off to my BEAS 170 class. I love you and we will be together shortly. Love, Wanda

Monday, July 11, 1994


Robert, I have a huge favor to ask. Do you think you could send me a copy of our resume (if you have one). I need it for my computer science class. I would greatly appreciate it. I just read your letter about jewelry. A cracker jack ring would be fine, a gold band would be great, anything more is just frosting on the cake. Anything will be fine, as long as it comes from you. Oh, and by the way, if you ever want me to kiss you again, don't get your tongue pierced. I love you. I am not going to write for very long tonight, (the lab isn't open for a long time anyway) but I still have to go home and eat MY lunch (then again, I didn't eat breakfast either). When I rush out the door (like I did this morning) I tend to forget that my body will get hungry. Usually I am not hungry at that moment and that is why I forget about food. It usually hits me about a half hour later when I am sitting in my first class. I haven't been home yet since I left at 7:20 this morning. I don't really want to go home. I know that Tim will be there, and I just don't want to talk to him, especially after what he said. Maybe I will pack me something and head over to the study rooms in PT to finish my personal finance, DBase, Computer Science and my math. My personal finance will take a lot of reading. Then I have to type some information up (I might do that tomorrow). My DBase is just more reading, (3 sessions) and I have a lot of reading to do in Computer Science. I have a test sometime this week (I am not sure what day) and I haven't read at all. The only assignment she handed back I got a perfect score. I am escited about that because it was a paper I had to write. I know that the other assignments are only easier. Is it wrong to want to avoid Tim? I suppose in some ways it's not, but I am sure it would only be proper to be polite. The only reason I am having a hard time with this is because he can't see how much I love you, and I thought that was apparent to EVERYONE. He really is blond. I know that I am to, but at least I know when someone else is taken (such as you). It is interesting that this girl he first started dating was this Fresh in Michele's apartment. She had a sort of boyfriend in Germany. Becky was really cute. I think that originally she was attracted to him, but she doesn't know what she wants (unlike me). I am glad that you feel comfortable knowing that my love is for you, and for you only. It makes me feel that I am communicating my feelings correctly, and I only want to make you happy. I can't wait for the day we will be together, it will happen soon enough though. My mother wants to come up in August so she can scope things out for our marriage. She is almost overly supportive of me. I would rather have that than what Katrina has. Yesterday Katrina talked to me about it (she really started to cry) my heart went out to her. I wish tht I could have told her I understood what she was going through, but I don't. When my mother tells me that I have her support, I REALLY have her support. Katrina's mom tells her that she has her support and then tells everyone else how she feels. She tells me how she feels, she tells my mother how she feels, she tells the kids she teaches in primary how she feels, she even tells Brian how she feels. She doesn't want Katrina to get married. She told Katrina that up until now she has been the Pilot of Katrina's life. And now Katrina wants to take over and be the pilot, but she doesn't feel that Katrina is old enough or mature enough to take on the responsibility. (I don't know if you were ever told of the messy stuff Katrina's mom went through, if not, I will tell you sometime and you will understand the fear that her mom has of marriage) Katrina told her mom that if she wasn't going to relinquish control of the airplane willingly, Katrina will just have to hi-jack it. I haven't a clue what to do or say to make her feel better, I suppose there really isn't anything I can do or say. Julia came home from work yesterday and cried to me about how awful it went. I never expected to see tears come from Julia's eyes. At first she comes across as one of those tough girls, but she feels she can trust me enough to tell me what's wrong. I think that is awesome. She only used to confide in Shelly, but since Shelly is gone, she needed someone else. She also asked me what time church started. She hasn't been to church her whole college career (3.5 years, I believe). She also feels comfortable enough around me to tell me about her family life. She loves them, but is only able to be close with them when she is away. She confides a lot in me (good and bad). She told me that I was more like Shelly, not her mom. She said that I am constant and I don't change. She said that I don't judge her. She said that growing up in high school some of her good friends told her, "well, for as dumb as you are, you sure do manage to get in the smart classes." She says that I don't get down on her and that I accept her for being her, not for having to pretend to be someone else. I think that she has come to trust me because I am not Miss Molly Mormon, like she seems to have a lot of bad experiences with. That is why I have a hard time living in Utah and would prefer to live elsewhere (however, if that's where your job is, so be it). Utah Mormons tend to be a little snooty. Being LDS isn't a religion, it is a social status, a way to be better than the Jones's. I guess I should get off my soap box now. I am sorry if I sound a little preachy, but it really gets my goat when someone is shunned for not being a "proper" mormon, or not being a mormon at all. That pushes people AWAY from the church and we should be drawing them to first and foremost by example. The church is the center of my life and makes me completely happy and I want others to experience that joy, and it saddens me when someone runs into Miss Priss Mormon. I am so glad you are not this way. If you were fanatical about the gospel (and by this I mean pushing people away with your attitude) than I would not marry you. I love you for your strength in it and I love your testimony of it. I only want to share my happiness and you share it with me. I love it when you get serious about things, I love your goofy side too, but when you are serious about things it helps me to see inside your heart and I love you that much more. I have babbled on long enough here. I was going to leave quite a while ago. Oops. I hope you know that I love you for everything that you are and everything that you aren't. I will always love you and no one else. Someday soon I will be able to hold you in my arms forever and feel the comfort of your nearness. I long for that day. Love always, Wanda


Robert, I can't keep up on all the mail that you are sending me. I am not telling you this to make you stop sending them, I am telling you this so you will know that I am not neglecting you. I have my math class to go to right now. I wish I could stay and type longer, but I can't. I want you to know that I love you and will never leave your side. I will always be with you. You can ALWAYS count on my love. I might be able to write more when I get out of my math class, but I can't guarantee it. There is so much to do. Don't worry about moving to Los Alamos, I will do it. In fact, it might be a better place for me to continue with my degree. We will see. I love you, but I must go now. Love always, Wanda.
Robert, Just a quick note to let you know I am logged on to the vax. I will be working on my windows assignment on a different computer, this way we can talk and I can do my assignment. I love you. Wanda

I love you

Robert, I don't know what happened to our talk session. I have to go to my 10:00 class now. I love you. I will be back here at 11:20. Maybe we can talk then. I love you. Wanda

Robert, I need you

I can't tell what happened on the stupid vax, but now I can't talk to you. I love you. I am going to send this to you with the hopes that you will get it soon and be able to talk to me. I love you. Wanda


Robert, You asked what I meant by "how." I didn't mean anything by it. Haven't you thought about how you were going to go about doing it though? No, there isn't a certain way I want my future husband to propose to me. I am not going to do what Jennifer did though. When my husband asks me it will be because he wants to, not because I guilted him into it. If I guilted him into it I would question wether or not he wants to marry me or not. If I were Jenn I would be worried that Eric didn't want to marry me and that desire has to b e there on both parts. You are calling me so I will finish this later. I love you Wanda

8 days

Robert, this is going to be a short message. That way if you are on, you will know that I am sending you mail and we can do a talk. There are only 8 more days that I will have ot be without you. I love you and miss you terribly. I can't wait to be with you again. I am going to go now and repond to the next message (although I didn't respond to anything you said in the one that I just read. It seems like we already discussed everything in it.) I love you so much and we will be together soon. Love forever Wanda

Friday, July 8, 1994

11 days and counting

Robert, If it weren't for the fact that work-study was as close as it is, I wouldn't be taking it for the Summer either. I will, however, have my car back soon and I can go job hunting. I am not going to quit this one until I have found something elso, I am not that dumb. I only read one message and that is all I really have time for. I wish that I could have talked to you today. Actually, we should wait anyway, we will talk to each other Sunday. My office extension is 6247. On Fridays there isn't much to do, at least there wasn't today. On Fridays I am also right at the phone (it is the only day of the week. On Tuesdays and Thursdays Cindy is here and on Mondays and Wednesdays Lisa is in charge of the phones.) I thought I might be able to hurry my work up on Friday, but since I am the only one at the office, I still wouldn't be able to leave. I can, however, leave at 12:00, isn't that cool, a half hour early. I have to be going now. I am goin to go down to my grandmother's to see about fixing my car. I am so excited. I will talk to you Sunday. (If I don't call you sooner) Do you have my granmother's number? Just in case you HAVE to get a hold of me before Sunday it is 264-9001. I love you and will be with you and talk with you soon. Love forever, Wanda

Hello honey

Robert, I just got off of work. I am down in the social science building and they are having problems with their printer. I just wanted to let you know that I was on the computer and I figured sending you mail was the best way to do so. I am headed over to the Wattis Building and their I will get back on the system. I love you. Wanda

Thursday, July 7, 1994


Robert, Yes, it was Wednesday night that we first kissed. It was exactly two weeks later (another Wednesday night) that we went back up and you told me that you loved me. I am also glad, in a round about way, that your car got hit. I am glad that you decided to kiss me, and yes YOU decided. I never would have, you used the "I never kiss a girl first" line. It was a decision that you made. Hence, YOU kissed ME. I am glad that you did though. I am glad that we went back up. I love you for telling me that you loved me. You said that night that there was something you were going to tell me, but weren't sure if you should. I am glad you did. In a way I feel like you have made all of the first moves. You were the first one to reach out for a hand (although yours is the first hand I ever let myself hold) and you were also the first to talk seriously of marriage. This feels right. Usually with guys I went out with I knew they wanted to kiss me, but half of them never would have so I had to taunt them beyond their control. I always regretted this later because I tired of them and had to tell them that I hadn't really fallen for them. I love you so much and I am glad I let myself kiss you and I am glad I let myself hold your hand, but most of all I am glad I let myself fall in love with you as hard as I have. Back on the subject. Usually I had to hint or taunt, it was part of the chase, but with you I gave you complete control. I didn't try to taunt you to kiss me. You initiated it. I didn't try to drag what you wanted to tell me out of you. Okay, maybe a little, but you let me know that there was something you wanted to say, I didn't guess and prod you until you told me. I love you for that. You took control. I have been missing that with any guy I ever dated. I am used to having the control in a relationship, usually the guy doesn't realize I ultimately can get him to do anything I want him to, and I usually did "manipulate" the situation to get what I wanted. I love you and want you and I freely give you the control (which is how it should be, you are the priesthood holder) I just never trusted anyone enough before to relinquish my power. I know that the last paragraph made me sound like a power hungry female who thinks she can have her way when she pleases. That is not the way it was meant. What I am trying to say is: There is a certain authority you have that I am willing to submit to. I have never been willing or trusting enough before to do so. It isn't that I didn't want to trust, I just didn't dare. I love you and you are my strength, my support, and you haven't abused the support or love I give you. With our Father on our side, we will continue to have this righteouss relationship throughout the eternities and I can't wait. I have to leave now. Work is calling. I am hungry. Ich habe Hunger. Ja Fa. Tengo mucho Hambre. Iyo Affirmato. Take a guess at what I am saying. (do ya' got it yet? It means I am hungry in a few different languages.) Try this German phrase. Ich liebe dich. For now I must go, but I will try to write more later. Love always, Wanda

12 . . .

Robert, It is 12 days and counting. I am so excited and anxious for you to get here. I can't wait to see you again. I am glad that you never tire of me telling you I love you. I DO love you and so you will have to put up with hearing it again and again while you are here. You said that we had talked the past 4 days, it WAS 5, and now it is 6. I talked to you Friday night (about Tim). I also talked with you Saturday day, Sunday (our only scheduled time), Monday night (I wasn't doing anything for the holiday), Tuesday night (I was scarred) and last night. I don't mind talking to you at all, I just don't want to look at my phone bill when it comes. It will arrive in about a week. Yuck!!! I will be fine. I just got paid (it was only for 8 days, but pay nonetheless) and it will be able to cover my bills, hopefully phone bill included. If it doesn't cover it, or I want to spend the money elsewhere, I will call my mom. She distinctly remembers missing my dad. Usually I can con Dad out of any amount of money, but Mom will be more useful to my cause in this instant. I love you and can't wait to spend eternity with you. Monday will be the two month anniversary of our first kiss. The one that started it all. A kiss has never had such an impact on my life. I wasn't going to date, I made and exception. When you fed me your "I never kiss a girl first" line, I knew what you were hinting at, I wasn't going to kiss you. I am glad that you persuaded me to do otherwise. It wasn't that I didn't want to kiss you, I did. I just didn't want to let myself get involved in any kind of a relationship that I would have to terminate later. I am glad that I didn't terminate this one. I am glad that I let myself fall. With anyone else I dated, I never let myself fall. The reason you are an exception is because I love you and this is an eternal love, not just an infatuation. The emotions that went with infatuation could always be controlled. I strongly believed in controlling them, mainly because I watched guys not control their emotions with me and it made life extremely difficult for me. I realize now, more than ever, how much Tim would like a wedge driven between us. He wouldn't do it himself, but nonetheless, he would like it done. In fact, I watch him control himself. Sometimes we will be down in the lobby, coincidence, with others, and he will have a strange look on his face. He won't say what he is thinking because they are "just thoughts and they are inappropriate." I am glad that he doesn't say anything to anyone because that would mean he is actively trying to pull you and I apart. He know how I feel for you, he knows how true it is, he knows I want to marry you, and he knows that I have received knowledge that I SHOULD marry you. He does not want to interfere in this, he does however want me to find him "a Wanda." I love you, you know that and so does Tim. He also knows that there is no earthly chance he will ever have me. He knows how strung up on you I am, for that matter, so does everyone else. You are all I ever talk about. My class is starting right now and I forgot about it. I am off, I love you, Wanda

I love you... again... and again...

Robert, I am going to send you a quick little note to let you know that I am on email. I will be on until 10:05, so if you want we can do a talk. I am going to send this to you and start responding to your message. I love you lots, Wanda

Wednesday, July 6, 1994


Robert, You are absolutely right, the ring is a mere symbol of a couples lasting love for each other, nothing more. That is why I am happy being "unofficially engaged." I know your love for me isn't measured by what's on my finger. I love you wether or not something is there. As far as I am concerned we could forgo the engagement ring and settle on a simple gold band. That is why I was picky at the jewelry stores. I couldn't stand to wear something gaudy. Now granted it is a sentimental piece of jewelry and that is one of the two reasons I would wear it (the other would be because you gave it to me). If you noticed, the extent of ornaments I wear are necklaces. I used to wear a pear of pearl (fake, of course) earrings, but then I lost one. Occasionally I might wear a pair of my "funky" ones, but that is if I think about it. The important thing is that I am dressed. My mother was going to get her engagement and wedding band resized and melded together (my dad still has his one) but when our house burned down we had looters come and take them. This saddened my mother a great deal, not because they were worth a lot (I don't have a clue as to if they were or not) but because they had a lot of sentimental value. I love you and what ever ring you choose I will cherish for the rest of my life, (even if it came out of a cracker jack box, and I am not joking. I love you and I will love what you pick). As to my being jealous, that isn't something to discuss at this time and location. You can't ask me to not be jealous, I probably always will be, less with time though. It doesn't really matter now. What matters is that I love you and that you love me and I know that you love me. You told me so and I trust anything you tell me (with the exception of you leaking information on purpose to lead me astray, I have a hard time believing that one). I will love you always and my love will never fade nor die. It is constant and it is for you. You talked of girls waiting for missionaries and not marrying them. My opinion on this is that it was never really right, that's why they usually found someone else, and if they didn't find someone else they still discover that their feelings for each other had changed. The only missionary I waited for was back two months after I started waiting for him. I found that I wasn't in love with him, that I was only in love with the letters that he would write me. It is easy to talk with others when you miss someone you love. It helps ease the pain. I find though that the subject I talk most of is you. There is no possible way on earth I could lose memory of you. Even if we had to write on snail mail (although our phone bills would be even worse off). It wouldn't happen in three months, it wouldn't happen in three YEARS because I love you and ONLY you. No one else. No one else is as important to me as you are. You always will be my number one guy. You should be confident that you will never lose me for I am "genuinely constant." I love you. I am going to start my next letter now because your next few letters tak about the ring and I have a lot of info for you on that. I love you and always will. I will always be here for you and I know that I am getting the same in return, that is what makes this "true" love. I will hear from you again soon, but until then I love you. I love you. I love you. I can't say it enough. I love you. I love you. I love you I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. . . . . . Love always, Wanda

"The Slip" *oops*

Robert, I am dedicating this whole letter to the slip you made about that little item you will be slipping on my finger. (okay, it's a littly dry, but kind of cute, right?) No, I don't think it is hard for you to keep a secret. As I said in one of my earlier letters, you haven't divulged the ACTUAL time or place, or HOW. You better have that one planned too. You don't talk about it much. You didn't even know how you slipped, you were lost at first. I think it is cute. You can't keep anything from me. I know that you are still being careful, but try as you might, (even if you succeed) I am still having fun taunting you. What I deduced does mean something. I do know that you are planning on being closer to your mother than your mom and dad. The only way you could make me believe different is to actually change your mind and do it somewhere else and then tell me that is where you were planning on doing it the whole time. I know you wouldn't do this (for one, you couldn't keep that up forever) and you seem to have someplace really special in mind. You do have me confused because I don't know of anyplace that is special to us that is closer to your mother than your mom and dad. I can't tell you how I know that you didn't mean to slip, I can try to explain it to you in person, but not the written word. I am going to go now because I have three lab projects to do in a half hour. If I had a chance I would do them tomorrow, but I don't. I don't really want to do them over the weekend either and besides the lab hours are so bizarre. I love you, slips and all. I will write you tomorrow when I get a chance. Hopefully I will be able to write sometime during the day, but if not I am sure these last few letters will keep you busy. Love, Your unofficial fiancee, Wanda


Robert, Yes it is too bad they want me to work and I wish that I had time to get some studying done while I was at work, but they keep me busy. I guess I shouldn't complain. I like my job. I like the people I work with. The faculty is really cool. I just wished that they paid me more for the work I do. When fall comes I will look for a better part time job, off campus, or I will look for a second part time job that will work around that job and my school hours. This way I can save and make more money. I was going to try to call Jenn today at 4:00, but I haven't been home yet. I will try to call her when I get home after this (9:10 or so). I will also try to call Randy. I wish I had more time to do stuff like this. I did call for your appointment time while I was at work. You are scheduled to register at 9:40am on Monday, July 11th. Have fun getting your classes. Letter #2 What are you/did you finish your roll of film on? Are you that anxious? I can't believe it. Soon we will have to have pictures done of us together. If for no other reason, we will have to have wedding announcements done. You are right, I will still prod Jenn for imnformation, but you are a better source than she is. I know that you were trying to convince me that you made that mistake on accident, but I know better than that. I will give you reasons for that later. I do love you and I am sure that you are not going to divulge the ACTUAL time and place. I am just having fun watching you slip when I am not even plugging you for information. You are so cute (and a nice guy). I love nice guys (or at least 1 nice guy). I am glad that you have been picky your whole life. It makes me feel so special to know that I passed your test and that you're not just setteling for me. I hope you know that you have passed my picky test. Emily used to tell me that I should lighten up on my wants. The only problem is they weren't wants, they were needs and you fill every single one. A marriage with anyone else wouldn't have lasted if I would have let ONE thing slide. I couldn't settle. As the song by Boy Howdy goes, "she won't settle for less than true love," and I didn't, now I have found it. I love you. I am going to go now, but I still have plenty more letters to write and at least twice that many to respond to. I love you and am happy because I know that you love me. That is what is really important. Love forever, (no less) Wanda

I love you too!

Robert, This will be the last letter I will respond to from yesterday's mail. I wish I could have responded to it yesterday and been able to start on some of today's mail while you were on the computer today. I am going to respond to some of the letters together, that way we will have fewer responses (longer letters) and I will be able to respond to a higher percentage of the mail that you send me. Not that I don't want to take more time on the vax, there just isn't the time. I still have to get my computer work done for my computer class. Oh JOY! I miss you so much, and I am also counting the days. The only reason I am not counting the hours is because it would seem like so much. For now I will be satisfied with two weeks or thirteen days. I love you. I find that I can't tell you that I love you enough, so you better not get sick of hearing it because you will be hearing it plenty more. I DO love you and it hasn't become just something I say. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart. The only way I could possibly love you more is to wait until tomorrow. I don't know if I told you about my appointment with Dr. Kidman, but it went well. He didn't remember my grade, but he did remember my name and what quarter he had me, which I think is pretty impressive in itself. I am going to start on some of the letters that you sent me today. I will respond to two or three at a time. This way they will be able to be longer in the long run. They won't tonight though because I have my projects to do. I will however be able to devote more time to your mail in the future. I love you very much and I am looking forward to seeing you in 13 days. Love always, Wanda