Thursday, June 23, 1994

It's me


I have I short while before I have to go to class. I miss you terribly today. I can't believe that I can't read any of the email messages that you have sent me. You don't know how badly that depresses me. I sent a message to Sean and Katrina said that he called last night. My phone number was in the message, he didn't have it before, so I am assuming that I can send mail out. I didn't have a problem at all staying awake in finance today. Actually I think it is because I took a drink with me and only allowed myself a sip every 5 minutes, that way I wouldn't drink it all in the first 10 minutes of class. I would much rather talk about my spending/not spending money than purchasing stocks and bonds. I don't care if I understand how everything is calculated. If we purchase any securities, it will be under your control. I find that stuff extremely boring. I want to know how to better manage my money. If there is a better way. I have been more frugal this past year than in my whole life, and there still isn't enough money for everything that needs doing. In fact, the only thing I haven't been frugal with as of late is my phone bill, and I don't care about that (actually I do care, but wanting to talk to and being with you far outweighs being rich). Today I have to remember to register for institute and to pick up my IR from the Psychology department. When I pick up my card, then I have to run more errands to fill out more paperwork. Oh JOY! I really think that I will like this job. However, it is work study and work study doesn't pay much. The government is really stingy with it's money. I was thinking about getting a second job off campus. I could get one just for the side. The problem is however, and Rob made me aware of it, if I get a second job, that means I have to cut down on time with people. I usually would be OK with that, but that would mean that I might not be able to spend the weekend with you when you come down. I don't think I would be happy with that. If I waited until after you came down, I would only have a few weeks until the break before Fall quarter. So I am stuck. Oh well, I only have to survive here for a couple of months. Well, I should run my errands now so I can get to my class on time. If I get my mail system working before Sunday, I will have some computer questions for you. If it doesn't work by then, I will ask you when you call. Well, I better be off now. I love you with all my heart and will ALWAYS love you. My feelings are constant, unchanging, and I will be by your side for always. Don't forget that I am here. I love you.

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