Thursday, September 1, 1994

Electrical Energy

Robert, There is a song that Doug Stone sings and everytime it is played (my brother has the CD) I think of you. Here are the stanzas: Everybody sings a different kind of song. All God's children have somewhere they belong. I've heard it said, and I know it must be true; We were meant to be, I'm made for loving you. Everybody has something he must be. Call it fortune or just call it destiny. I've spent my life making my way to you; See the way we fit, I'm made for loving you. Like blue skies always seem to go with sunshine, And just like laughter goes with good times. I've spent my life making my way to you; See the way we fit, I'm made for loving you. Robert, do you see how well we fit? You were made for me and I was made to love you. I think that we compliment each other perfectly. I LOVE YOU!!! Sorry, I'm getting mushy/cheesy. I just love you so much and I miss you. You are constantly in my thoughts and I don't want to get you out of them. When Chad and Lynne got married they had all of the older male cousins wear suitpants and then gave them bow ties and cumberbuns in the wedding colors (Royal Blue -- how funny.). They asked them to be the servers for the evening. They looked just fine. I think it would be an idea to go ahead on. Do you think it will still be cool enough to wear long sleeves? I don't think shor t sleeves will look as good. If they don't have a long sleeved shirt it wouldn't be that much trouble for them to buy one and the definately could use it later. It will still be much cheaper than renting a tux. The folder I got to keep your letters in is full. I knew that I would have to divide the quarters up, but I am even going to have to keep the letters I got from you on AOL separate. I have 40 of them and counting. Actually, after I get a letter I download it. I am going to then transfer them to a disk and print them out at Weber. Can I download the ones I have off of the vax? I haven't heard from Sean yet. That is kind of funny because he is usually good about writing back. Hmmmm. I could tell you that if you hadn't come along I would be single for a few more years, but I'm only 19 so it doesn't have the same effect. I can tell you that if I hadn't found you I don't know if I would have ever gotten married. Already at 19 I was tired of dating and didn't want to do it anymore. When you had come along I hadn't dated all quarter and it didn't bother me one bit. I couldn't find anyone that I thought would be worth marrying so why date them if I wasn't going to develop a further relationship. All it would do is bleed the guys of money. I remember going back to your apartment to watch A Few Good Men. You had told me that you enjoyed Jenn's company because you could call her up at any time and ask her to do something with you. This is a really good friendship. I wanted a friend that I knew I could spend the rest of my life with. Don't get me wrong, the guys I dated are still friends. Some of them I still keep in contact with, such as Sean. I enjoyed him as a friend, but didn't feel any physical or emotional attraction to him. He told me that he felt differently and this sometimes made me a little uneasy. I won't forget his reaction the next couple of times I saw him when I told him that I wanted to marry you (it was before everything was official.) When I think about it I realize that I have never felt the energy (electric, as you called it) that I felt/feel with you. This is what all of my other friendships/relationships were lacking. I didn't know what was lacking at the time, but I knew that they weren't marriage worthy. When I found what was missing, I held onto it, and now I have you. I love you. I am going to mail this to you and send Sean another letter, who knows maybe he has written me by now. I will find out when I log on to mail this to you. I love you. Your electrical friend, Wanda

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