Tuesday, September 13, 1994


Robert, I still haven't received your replies to parts 1 & 2. I don't know if it is still trying to send them or if they are permanently lost. When I did log on Julia had sent me a message. She writes to me after girl scouts. She had checked her message and gotten one from me last Thursday and wrote again today. She said that she would check them again this coming Thursday. She is really cool. I don't know if you will remember her, but she remembers you. We will have to show you the picture she has of you. Often times I would ask her if I could look at the photo album and I would go straight for your picture. I don't know if she knew the real reason I wanted to look at it, she might have guessed. My mother had me use this cream on my face. She said that it might get rid of the rest of the bumps. I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it, after all Joey had used it. she neglected to tell me that it kind of peels off the top layer of your skin. It has a burning sensation. My face looks like a bunch of red blotches right now. She says it will look normal in a few days. I certainly hope so. You already asked me to marry you, you can't back out now. It doesn't look that bad and it is only red and blotchy when I wash my face, and then it burns for a few minutes. I guess if it takes care of the bumps then it is okay, but I don't want to be permanently blotchy. Meanwhile I will just make sure I put on my make-up, that's what make-up does anyway -- even out your skin tone. Pell grant: I finally got a hold of a human being in the cashier's office (I did this Monday). I told her that I hadn't received my billing statement and therefore couldn't sign it. She said that when I return it, it activates my grant. She did it right then for me. Now I don't have to worry about it. Cool!!! I love you. You make me so happy. I only hope that I can make you as happy as you make me. You have brought so much joy and peace into my life that there aren't words to describe how I feel. I love you. That is the closest I can get. I am going to write Julia and Sean. He doesn't seem to write to me too often. No matter, we will both be in Ogden in less than a week and then we can call him. (We will probably even see him, after all, he WORKS at the halls.) We will even be able to call each other. But who wants to go to all that trouble when I can go over and visit you in
your room? After all, I have never really been a phone person. You can't make-out over the phone as easily as you can in person. I love you. After I go write Julia and Sean I am going to go to bed. Then I will wake up, go to exercise, and then I will come back and read a message from you. (I would read a message before exercise, but we usually leave at about 7:30 [8:30 your time] and you haven't written yet.) Oh, I forgot, mom and I are going to the swap meet tomorrow at 6:00 to get fabric to make shirts out of. I am so excited. Now that I know how to sew something, I will have to practice. Hopefully I will have a whole new wardrobe of T-shirts by the time I get up to Weber. I love you. Boy, I just began and ended the last paragraph with "I love you." Could I have done this because I love you? Well I do. There's no escaping it now. My love for you has no end so you will never be able to get rid of it. I will write to you tomorrow. I love you. Wanda

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