Friday, September 9, 1994

Jobs in Los Alamos . . .

Robert, The pronunciation you gave me for strinking was \'struE-kin\. Where did this come from? Work in Utah: We will see what is available and if nothing comes up, then Los Alamos is a good back-up plan. I guess the reason I am stressed over Los Alamos is the same reason you were stressed over me mentioning my spring quarter schedule. (I am only using "stressed" for lack of a better word.) When I had told you what my schedule would be you wrote back that you were concerned we had our "wires crossed." In the next paragraph you told me "but sometimes you are a little vague when you talk about what you are planning - and then I get worried as a result. Please be more clear as to your intentions so that I don't get stressed-out worrying about what we are planning together." Consciously I know that Los Alamos is a back-up, but when you talk about it, subconsciously I feel as if those plans are definate. Please, if only for my peace of mind, reassure me that we are going to Los Alamos if nothing better comes along. I am not asking to take a Cobol job over the lab because you have indicated that the lab would be better than a cobol job, but I need to know that you are considering looking for a job elsewhere also. I am sorry that I have rambled about this, sometimes it makes me feel a little uneasy. I need to feel that this isn't definate (just like you needed to understand that my Spring quarter schedule was also flexible) but often times you talk about it as if it has already been decided. LOGICALLY I can tell that this is because you need to feel safe and have reassurance that there is something out there and you only count on the worst case scenario, but feelings and emotions don't operate on logic. Tam: You and I are in love, and that is why I am marrying you, not because it is economically advantageous. If I would have gone to BYU or U of U, I would be graduating with a Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering. (I didn't want to go to either of them, hence the change in my major.) Chemical Engineers make a starting pay of about $45 - $50 thousand a year. I am not saying this to be destructive or to brag, I am merely trying to make the point that if I had chosen to remain single, then I would have been financially secure. However, after falling in love with you, I cannot live my life without you. Emotionally and mentally I NEED you. I don't want your companionship, I NEED it. I love YOU. I don't love anyone or anything more than you, including my degree. I don't need money as long as I have you. Oh well, enough of that. I love you and you love me -- THIS makes me happy. I am going to send this because I want to see if you have responded to any of the letters that I sent you. I was gone early this morning and just arrived back to start the first letter, then I had to leave (Trish had a baby shower) and I have been writing ever since I returned. I love you. Your eternal companion, Wanda

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