Thursday, September 8, 1994


Robert, I think setting Sean up with Lisa would be a good idea. This way they are both dating again. I got a letter from him. He wrote to say thank you. He said that I told him the things that he needed to hear. He said it cheered him up. I am glad. It was kind of funny because he had to go because he was late for a meeting. Is this what all of the men in my life will be doing? (That was rhetorical) Melissa and Rick: The next time these two break up we will just have to jump on the gun and fix her up with someone before they get back together again. This will be easier when we are up at Weber. We can invite her up to Weber to a lot of the activities, this might encourage dating others and she might see that college life is fun. Both you and your dad have indicated that Rick is really lazy up at school. This lack of interest in it might come off in a bad way to Melissa. I think it would help if we showed her that continuing her education will be fun. Jobs at the lab: I will be taking C-Programming in the fall. I will also take intro to the Unix in the winter. Hopefully this will help. I just have to figure out when to take Chemistry 121. Any suggestions? I can't take it this quarter, might be able to take it winter quarter and it isn't offered Spring or Summer quarter. Winter quarter: German 202 (4), Comsci 213 (4), Math 212(5), Physics 111(5). If I'm not going to work at Los Alamos then I can drop Comsci 213 (only to take it later) and take Chem 121. But do I want to take 19 credit hours with physics, chemistry and calculus in the same quarter? I could replace physics with chemistry, but then I have the problem with physics that I had with chemistry. If I am only concerned with getting my Associates, then I can take Chem 111 in the Spring. I will still have to take Chem 121 later on. If Chem 121 is needed for my Bachelor's and it fills a general, then why not kill two birds with one stone and only take chemistry once? Spring quarter (so far): German 203 (4), Math 213(5), English 232 (3) and Chemistry 111(5). If I do this (and CLEP English 111 and 112 in the Fall) then I will graduate with my Associate's Degree Spring Quarter. I could put my calculus classes off for another year, but then it will take me two more years to graduate because I have to have calculus for a course during the 95-96 year that won't be taught again until the 97-98 academic year. It might not be wise to put math off any more than I have to. The big question is: How important is it to get my Associates NOW? Can it wait until fall of 1995? If so, then I can take Chemistry then and I will have leeway if I fail the CLEP test for English (this really scares me because I do not like English. I got an A in my AP English class and have always gotten A's in my English classes. My sophomore year I was the only one with an A in all of the classes that that instructor taught. But I don't TEST well in English. I only got a 27 or 28 on the English part of my ACT and I only got a 2 on my AP English exam. I think it is because I only got a 2 on that exam (3 is passing) that I am afraid of clepping English.) I am in a rambling state. I am not sure what I want to do. If I leave Weber real soon then it is important to get my Associates, if I will be there for a while, then I will worry about not wasting my time with Generals. (Such as taking Chem 111 when Chem 121 will do just fine.) It all depends on where we are at after we get married. I don't mean to stress YOU and I am sorry if it does. We won't know where will be until closer to December. I am trying to be patient and I don't think that I have done that bad. Just don't ask me when I will get my Associates because I won't know until you know some things first. I thought I would have plenty of time to accomplish many of my academic goals before I got married and I planned them accordingly. Since choosing to marry you I must give up some of the time I thought I had to graduate. Don't get me wrong, I am glad to do so because I want to be with you more than anything in the world. In fact, more than anything out of this world. I love you with all my heart and I will do anything for you, even if it meant giving up my education. You have indicated that you will not ask me to do this and it makes me happy. Before I fell in love I was determined that I would not give up my education for anyone and that my husband would just have to accept it. I have since "grown up" and realized that if you asked me to forgo my education, I would. You know the value of an education and wish for me to have it. This is very selfless, thank you. Before I fell in love with you I knew where my life was headed and what I was doing (academically). Now I haven't a clue. You are graduating in the winter and with it comes a new life, a new adventure you are about to embark upon and I have chosen to accompany you on it. I am glad to do so because I love you and want to be with you. Along with your new life comes uncertainty. It has turned my planned and structured world upside down. I no longer know when I am going to take a class and what class I am going to take. I won't know until we make some decisions. This is good. How often do we have things planned out when Heavenly Father throws a monkey wrench into the works and the outcome is so much better than we could ever have imagined? He has done this to me by allowing me to find you. I hope you read this with the feelings that I intend to be there. Please don't take offense to anything I may have wrongly written. If something is confusing, please bring it up so we may discuss it. My written words are always inadequate when I try to express how I feel. Maybe this is why English frustrates me so much. I love you so much, there aren't words to express it. My brother has discovered a song by Alabama that I have grown to love. It is about a guy who watches his better half sleep and searches for a "better word for love." I am anxious to hear from you today, and you have probably written in the time it has taken me to write this letter. I love you. Your future wife and eternal companion, Wanda

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